The children have had another busy week of learning.  They have worked so hard practising their spellings and times tables at any opportunity they have had, and it has really shown in their scores.  

I have also been extremely impressed with all the children who have been doing extra work.  Lots of children have asked me to set them extra challenges and have been doing work at home.  Well done Year 4! 

On Friday afternoon we had an afternoon focusing on ‘What information can we share on the internet?’  We watched a video about 2 children called ‘Lee and Kim’ who were about give strangers their personal information.  Luckily ‘Superhero Sid’ stopped them and gave them important tips about sharing information online.  We looked at different scenarios and decided whether we should tell the person the information or not.  We then created internet safety posters,

Maths – This week we have been focusing on addition.  We have been looking at how we need to ‘carry’ a ten over or a hundred when we are calculating 4-digit additions.  We have also been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.

English – We have been looking at how we can change the theme of poems by swopping words.  We have also created our own stanza for the poem ‘At the end of the school day’.

Science – In Science we have been exploring our outdoor area.  The children went on a ‘bug hunt’ to search for invertebrates.  They explored the school grounds and with magnifying glasses they looked for bugs.  They then wrote the characteristics of the insects and created their own fact file about a bug they had chosen.

History – This week we have been looking at Viking longships.  We looked at the different parts of the boats and why they were built that way.  The children then pretended that they were going to ‘sell’ a Viking longship and created a leaflet describing all the features their ship had.

RE – We have been thinking about questions that we have about God.  We wrote our questions down then went around the classroom and asked two children to answer our questions for us.

Important notice

We are collecting tokens as part of ‘The Sun’ newspaper Books for School campaign.  If we collect 3500 tokens we will be sent £600 worth of books.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thankyou.

Award Winners

Maths Award – The Maths Award this week went to Olivia.  Olivia has blown me away with how hard she is working when learning her times tables.  Well done Olivia.

Star Writer – This week our Star Writer award went to Eliza.  Eliza has blown me away this week with her poem.  She included all the success criteria and created a fantastic poem.  Well done Eliza.

Golden Award – The Golden Award this week was awarded to Laciee.  Laciee is such a kind and considerate member of our Year 4 class.  She is always helping others and myself and is an absolute super star.  Well done Laciee!


Maths –page 12 and 13 (Rounding)

English – page 18 and 19 (Adverbial phrases)

Spellings (Quiz 29/11/19)

Recap of the 6 times tables (Quiz on 29/11/19)

The children need to be going on TT Rockstars at least once over the weekend please.  I have given all the children new log in details.  If anyone has any problems logging in please let me know.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Cunningham

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