We have been extremely busy with our learning in Year 3 this week. Here’s what we have been up to…
In English, the children have completely an independent write where a character gets lost and then reunited. I have loved seeing their creativity and writing skills blooming!
In Maths, we have started our new topic, mass. We’ve measured the mass of things practically in kilograms and grams and completed some calculations using grams and kilograms.
In PE, we have been developing cricket skills.
In RE, we investigated how Jewish people in Britain celebrate Passover and why they celebrate it.
In Music, we sang Three Little Birds and listened to some 15th century music.
In E-Safety, we talked about how the internet can make us feel and what to do when it goes wrong. The children had very good ideas about this, I am sure they do put these ideas into practice.
In Spanish, we have learned the names of family members.
The Golden Award went to Cameron, for his caring attitude.
The Maths award went to Finlay, for taking more time and care with his work. .
The Writing award went to Artie for his excellent improvement in handwriting.
Friday 12th July Summer Fayre after school PTFA events
Tuesday 16th July 9.15am Year 6 Leavers mass whole school and families in church
Friday 19th July 3.15pm Break up for Summer ☀️
Reading records, reading books and water bottles need to be in school every day, please.
Y3’s PE days remain the same, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Earrings should not be worn on PE days.
Homework is available on the Y3 Homework section of the website.
Air-Up and similar bottles are not appropriate for school, we have had a few issues with them leaking.
Catholic life
The following resources are a great way of keeping you all informed of our current liturgy themes and of the weekly Gospel scripture, with some activities that the children can complete at home. We hope you find these resources useful and that they help you to support prayer and worship in your own homes.
At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.
Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
It has been brought to our attention, that some children are regularly using these games, Roblox and Minecraft, and these apps on social media, Snapchat and Tiktok. The following safety guides give some great advice about keeping your children safe online, please take the time to read them, check your child’s device settings and discuss them with your child so they know what to do if something happens and they don’t feel safe when using them.
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Roblox This free online safety guide focuses on Roblox. It highlights a number of risks such as online daters, in-app purchases and contact with strangers.
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Minecraft This free online safety guide focuses on Minecraft. It highlights a number of risks such as in-game purchases, addiction and chatting with strangers.
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Snapchat This free online safety guide focuses on Snapchat. It highlights a number of risks such as sexting, visible location and contact from strangers.
What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Tiktok This free online safety guide focuses on TikTok. It highlights a number of risks such as age-inappropriate content, dangerous challenges and contact with strangers.
We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all. Thank you.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mr Bourn and Mrs Dunford