Arts week starts next week June, we will be creating a 3d collage. For this we need shoeboxes, or shoebox sized boxes. If you have any spare that you do not need please send them in with your child.
We have been extremely busy with our learning in Year 3 this week. Here’s what we have been up to…
In English, we have started our new book, Into the Forest. We have been working hard on developing our writing skills.
In Maths, we have started our new topic: Angles and Properties of Shape. We have been finding right angles in shapes today.
In Science, we started our new topic light. Investigating the difference between light and dark.
In Geography, we started our new topic: Volcanoes! Lots of children had lots of prior knowledge about this, from Pompeii to all sorts of facts!
In PE, we started fielding and batting games.
In RE, we have been exploring the Exodus.
Well done to our stars this week:
Jessie - For her kindness and empathy.
Erin - for the hard work she has put into learning her multiplication facts.
Frazer - for his effort in English.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend,
Mr Bourn and Mrs Dunford