We have had a lovely week together in Year 3. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with our wonderful Year 3 class again. Wow, how they have grown since Reception! I have been really impressed with their development academically, socially and spiritually!

We started the week with a welcome assembly on Monday, referring to the scripture: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew 16: 24

Throughout the week, we have thought about Jesus being with us as we start our Year 3 journey together during our daily class worships.

 Here is what else we have been learning:

In English, we have been looking at word classes. Particularly nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. The children have been identifying which word class a word belongs to and writing their own sentences containing a variety of words. They have also written a short story inspired by the picture ‘A Sunday in the Park.’.

In Maths, we have been looking at place value using 3 digit numbers. The children have enjoyed extending their knowledge from looking at 2 digit numbers in Year 2.

In RE, we have started by showing our thanks to God for his creation. The children have written their own prayers, independently, thanking God for specific things of their choosing. We have also created a class prayer to ask the Lord for his support this year, in Year 3. 

In PE, we have started our invasion games and the children have practiced using chest pass. They then enjoyed playing an attacking and defending game using their chest passes. 

The children have thought about the three very important words at our school: care, learn and respect, and we can show these on a daily basis. We have also worked together to create our class charter. 

As it is our first week back and we are finding our feet, the only homework requirement this weekend is reading, now the children have selected their home reader books. Please ensure you write in the children’s reading logs each time they read and if they have completed the book.

I have been really impressed with the children, they have returned to school ready to learn and develop on the juniors. I hope they have enjoyed their first week in Year 3! 

Our PE days are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure that children do not have earrings in on these days.

Please continue to bring school water bottles, filled with water, on a daily basis. 

Our Award Winners:

Golden - Alicia
Writing - Erin
Maths - Nicholas

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Holden and Mrs Dunford

AuthorLeanne Dixon