In RE this week, we have been thinking about how we are all made in God’s image. The children were identifying the fruits of the Holy Spirit that they can see in their Learning Partner and in theirself. The children have been reflecting and thinking of any fruits that they may choose to work on for themselves.
We have also been…
Using our place value knowledge to complete number lines in Maths, some of these activities have been quite challenging but the children have shown great resilience this week!
In English, we have had lots of creativity this week. For the first few days, the children were looking at illustrations from a book and writing superb sentences; containing nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. The children were not aware of our book focus until Wednesday… The Iron Man! We have been thinking about how he moves, sounds and looks this week and we will be doing lots of activities related to The Iron Man for the coming weeks.
In PE, we have continued our invasion games activities and the children have practiced using chest passes and bounce passes. They also started their PE with Mr Monks on a Tuesday, with a focus on tag rugby.
In History, we have been learning about the Stone Age. Our focus for this half term is the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
In Art, the children have started their painting focus, experimenting with mixing colours.
Homework - Please see the Year 3 Homework section of the website. It is due back in on Wednesday 20th September. Spellings will be tested on Friday 22nd September.
Notices -
PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays, thank-you for taking your children’s earrings out on these days. They cannot actively participate in PE if they have earrings in.
If your child is wearing shoes with shoe laces, please ensure they are able to tie their own shoelaces.
Please ensure your child brings their school water bottle, reading book and reading record on a daily basis.
Award Winners -
Golden - George
Maths - Annie
Writing - Alistair
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Holden and Mrs Dunford