Key Messages for next week’s Whole School Worship…
Children will understand that:
God’s plans are so much bigger than ours.
Following Jesus means thinking of others before ourselves.
When we trust in God’s plans – we can be sure that Jesus will be with us.
Please have a look at this Parent Newsletter linked with our weekly whole school and class worships…
Our learning this week…
In English the children have continued to explore the story of The Iron Man, this week we have been considering the effect of vocabulary within the text on the reader.
In Maths we have been continuing to learn about place value in numbers up to 1000, the children were working to add and subtract 1, 10 and 100 to 3-digit numbers. Well done everyone!
In Geography the children used an atlas to locate some countries within Europe, using this to complete their own maps of the continent of Europe.
In Science, we have been using food labels to investigate the amounts of nutrients within food and to consider the traffic light system of food labelling to help support a healthy balanced diet.
Spellings, times tables and homework
The children will be coming home with their spellings and homework on Monday 9th September , this needs to be returned by the following Monday. So the first spellings and times tables tests will be on Monday 16th September.
PE -
Please note, PE days are Tuesday and Thursday
Award winners
Golden: Fearne
Maths: Aaliyah
Writing: Matilda
And finally, wishing you all a lovely weekend,
Mrs Parker, Miss Evans and Mrs McCooey