I would like to begin by saying a massive well done to all the children in Year 3 this week, they have settled in well to being upstairs in their new classroom and it has been a pleasure getting to know them.

Our learning this week…

In English the children have started to explore the story of The Iron Man, they were able to develop their use of vocabulary to describe the story setting.

In Maths we have learnt started to learn about place value in numbers up to 1000, the children were able to use base 10 equipment to support their understanding.

In Geography the children began their new topic by researching facts about Europe and recapping the location of the seven world continents.

In Science, we started our new topic all about animals including humans. This week we explored the key features of a balanced diet.

Spellings, times tables and homework

The children will be coming home with their spellings and homework on Monday 9th September , this needs to be returned by the following Monday. So the first spellings and times tables tests will be on Monday 16th September.

Award winners

Golden: Marianna

Maths: Nina

Writing: Jacob F

And finally, wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Parker, Miss Evans and Mrs McCooey

Authorfiona ormerod