Good morning everyone and welcome back to week 9 of home learning! I can’t believe we are in week 9! It feels like such a long time ago that we were all together in school. We are now in Summer 2, our final term of Year 3. Today, school opens more widely to more children but unfortunately our year group isn’t included in that yet. We will continue with our fantastic home learning, and look forward to the day when we can see each other again! Due to school opening more widely, I will be in school a little bit more than I was before half term, so that may mean that on Thursdays and Fridays I take a bit longer to respond to the children’s work and any messages I receive.

I hope you all had a wonderful half term - how fantastic was the weather! Hopefully you spent lots of time outside, I certainly did! With the lockdown rules easing slightly, it was the perfect weather for a socially distanced chat or walk with some friends or family that you haven’t seen for a while!

By now, you are all aware of the work I expect the children to complete each week. This is mainly the tasks on Class Dojo, however I would encourage the children to still access Sumdog, Education City and TTRS as I am still setting work on there for them to complete if they can.

Each week, I also post a link to a weekly project that you may also want to dip in to with your child, this week’s theme is music:

Home Learning Project - Music

I would also encourage the children to visit the Church website: This link will take you directly to the children’s page. You can send Father Jim a question through the site, I know he would love to hear from you all. Father Jim also streams the Mass each week - please take part if you can.

Finally, thank you for all your continued hard work and support. It means so much!

Take care and stay safe! I miss you lots!

Miss Heim-Sarac

P.S. I have mentioned before how I believe that hope is so powerful! I found a lovely quote that I wanted to share with you…

Hope 2.jpg
AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac