This week we are going to be learning about SPACE! I find space really fascinating, and it was only a couple of weeks ago that we saw the SpaceX rocket launching from Florida. I have wanted to give the children a themed week for a while, so imagine how happy I was when I found out that this week’s learning project is all related to space! Here is the link for you:

Learning Project - Space

There really are some fantastic ideas and opportunities for learning included, so please take a look! Our creative and writing tasks this week on Class Dojo will also be space themed. There is nobody more knowledgeable about space than Father Jim, who as you know was a scientist before he became a priest, so please e-mail him with any space related questions that you may come up with this week! His e-mail address is:!

Never stop looking up.jpg

Church is now open for individual private prayer. Father has uploaded a plan for this on to the Church website so please take a look. He has also uploaded the Mass for the feast of Corpus Christi which was on the 11th June.

As always Year 3, you blew me away last week with your hard work. No matter what task I give you, you always rise to the occasion! I think last week’s creative task was my favourite one yet! Seeing all of your beautiful positive words that you had created really made me smile. Here are your lovely creations:

Please don’t forget that along with the tasks on Class Dojo, the children still have access to activities on Sumdog, Education City and TTRS.

Have a lovely week Year 3, I am so proud of you all!

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac