We have spent some time this week learning about Remembrance Day and discussing why this is a day of reflection. We spoke about WW2 and Hitler; as well as Anne Frank. The children were fascinated by her story. We made our own poppies which we will display with pride on Monday. We will also observe a silence to honour the fallen and the victims of our world wars.

We’ve had a very busy week in Year 3 and have done some amazing learning…

-English: we have been continuing our focus on information texts; and have been having a go at summarising information with a focus on the positives and minuses of different places when deciding where to go on holiday.

-Maths: we have been doubling and halving this week as well as starting a new unit on fractions!

-Science: we made our own skeletons using split pins and we are going to name the different bones next week. You might be able to spot the skeletons in our classroom window!

-History: we have moved on to looking at the Bronze Age. We role played how bronze is made (smelting) and then ordered this process in our books.

-R.E: we are looking at Mary Our Mother this term. We have spoken this week about the Annunciation and why Mary was chosen to be the Mother of Jesus. We discussed special jobs we had been given to do and how that made us feel; as well as making sure we pick the right person when a job needs doing!


-We have now finished our Yoga sessions with Mrs Ward on a Tuesday. There will therefore be no need for children to come in their P.E. kit on a Tuesday. We have really enjoyed learning how to be mindful and we will definitely be putting this in to practice in the classroom!

-A date for your diary: the KS2 carol service will be held on the 18th December at 2.30pm over at Church. We look forward to seeing you there!

-We will be having a Christmas Jumper day on the 19th December - we are asking for a £1 donation on the day.

Award winners this week:

Maths: Livia

Writing: no award this week

Golden: Malachy

Please see the homework tab for details of this week’s tasks.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac