We have had another fantastic week in Year 3. I am so proud of the children this week as they have shown perseverance and resilience in all they have done. We have had a big focus on growth mindset this week; and I think the children are beginning to understand how important mistakes are in our learning.

Here is what we have been up to this week…

-Maths: we have continued our work on fractions by finding fractions of amounts.

-English: we have started and nearly finished our own information texts - an entry for an A-Z holiday guide.

-Science: we have named the bones in our skeletons we made last week - not only using the common bone names, but the scientific bone names as well.

-R.E.: we retold the story of the Annunciation this week. We also looked at different pieces of art showing the Annunciation and decided which ones were our favourite and why.

-History: we continued our learning on the Bronze Age by focusing on the grave goods Bronze Age people were buried with. We learnt what these items could tell us about the person. The children also picked 5 items they would pick for someone in thousands of years to find about them and whether they would be able to tell what kind of people we were from these objects.

Our award winners this week were:

Maths: No award this week due to our Remembrance Day assembly on Monday

Writing: Izzy

Golden: Abigail

I haven’t set the children any homework this week, however, please can the children be reading nightly and practicing on times tables rockstars at least three times a week. I will be testing the children next Friday on the division facts for the 2s, 5s and 10s.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend,

Miss Heim-Sarac

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac