Good afternoon everyone,
Palm Sunday reminds us of Jesus’ triumphant arrival in Jerusalem, when palm branches were placed in His path to welcome Him. We celebrate Jesus’ acknowledgement as a king but we also prepare ourselves for the emotional conclusion of the week when Jesus was arrested and died on the cross. This week is incredibly important to us, it is Holy Week.
Year 2 have been busy practising for our Palm Liturgy which took place on Friday in church. We have listened to, spoken and remembered the story of this wonderful celebration and have discussed the importance of Palm Sunday.
English - This week we started our new unit of work on Grandad’s Island. We have been exploring the first few pages of the book, making predictions about what would happen in the story and developing our creative writing skills through a revisit of expanded noun phrases and powerful verbs.
Maths - In Maths we have finished our work on multiplication with a focus on word problems for the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. We have also challenged ourselves to tackle problems involving more than one step.
Science - In Science, we recapped our learning on habitats from this term and completed an assessment to test what we remembered. The children have clearly enjoyed this unit of work!
RE - We sequenced the 4 parts of the Mass and wrote about events that occur at each point. On Friday, we explored the role of the priest and how important this is for us in church.
Geography - We have explored a British island - The Isle of Coll. We learned all about the things you can do there, as well as the key physical and human features. We then wrote about some of these key features.
PE - In indoor PE we completed our gymnastics work by performing a double sequence on apparatus with a partner.
D&T - We have been exploring wheels and axles and exploring the ways in which we can make mechanisms which utilise these.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
As well as continuing to practise our common exception words, I have set the children some words to practise which involve doubling the last consonant before adding -ing.
Please continue to practise the handwriting booklets.
I have also sent home some common exception word handwriting sheets to practise.
Times Tables
Please continue to practise the 3 times table as many children are still finding this challenging.
I have given each child access to Times Tables Rockstars to practise their times tables. You should have had a letter with login details for this. If you have not, please let me know.
Palm Sunday Reading Comprehension
We have noticed that fewer children seem to be reading regularly recently. Please could we ask that you read at home with your child as often as possible. The more they read, they more confident they will get. Reading is such an important skill for accessing the whole of the curriculum, including our special SATS work we will complete during May.
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Maths Award -
Discipleship Award -
On Tuesday 4th April between 2pm and 4pm Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be open for parents to pop in and see our classrooms, look through your child’s books, talk to teachers about work and chat to us about what we do at school. We hope you will be able to join us!
You are able to come any time between 2pm and 4pm but if you come during the school day you will be able to take your child home with you when you go!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons