Good afternoon everyone,
In our liturgy this week, we have learned about John and how he knew Jesus truly was the saviour of the world when he saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove rest on Jesus. We learned how the Holy Spirit comes to all of us if we allow it to. We cannot see it but, just like the wind, we can see the effects of it. The wind can be seen blowing leaves and the Holy Spirit can be seen in people’s bravery, kindness, care and respect.
The above quote reminds us that the Holy Spirit brings us freedom. However, this means that we are free to choose to make wrong choices, as well as right ones. Because of this, we have been focusing upon how we resolve conflicts in class. We are using the system of STOP! (Start Telling Other People). If someone does something to us which we do not like, we have our freedom to tell them to STOP! If they do not do this when we tell them, we need to go and tell an adult or trusted friend. We have asked the children to show us ‘STOP!’ by holding their hand out with the palm facing outwards. We have then asked them to think about 5 people (one for each finger) that they trust to tell if someone or something is upsetting or hurting them. We encourage you as parents to remind your children of this at home.
English - This week we continued our work on quest stories and Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. We explored the structure of a finding/journey/quest story and considered how Lost and Found fit this structure by sequencing pictures into opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. We then collected interesting vocabulary from each section. As well as this, we worked with our talk partners to create story maps to help us carefully retell the story. In our written work, we created a missing poster for the penguin.
Maths - We have been looking at finding the difference and how this can be solved using subtraction. We drew number lines and practised counting on. We have also been solving addition and subtraction word problems, which we will continue next week.
Science - We learned about an urban habitat and what plants and animals might live there. We discussed how this habitat meets their basic needs.
RE - We explored the story of the Thankful Leper. We wrote postcards as the thankful leper explaining the events that happened. We then looked at thanking God and all the ways we can possibly do this.
History - We learned about the key events of Florence Nightingale’s life and sequenced these dates on a time line.
PE - In indoor PE we continued to work on balances with our partner. Some of us performed for the class. In outdoor PE we continued to develop our dribbling, passing and trapping skills with a football.
Computing - We continued our word processing unit and recapped the schools of typing, and formatting text. We also learned how to search for, copy and paste an image into a word document.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
Year 2 Common Exception Words for a test on Friday. Please practise writing these once per day for 5 days.
Mixed addition and subtraction problems.
Florence Nightingale reading comprehension activity.
Please visit the typing club website from a device with a keyboard (f you have one) to be able to practice touch typing.
As always, the MOST important way that you can support your child is by reading regularly! Please do this as regularly as possible over the break!
Golden Award -
Writing Award -
Maths Award -
Discipleship Award -
The Wednesday Word is now available online, rather than the paper copies we used to send home pre-covid. Please click this link to access this week’s gospel.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons