Good afternoon everyone, welcome back and Happy New Year!
In our assembly this week we heard about Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist. We learned that John paved the way for Jesus and prepared people for His coming. Upon being baptised a dove appeared in a beam of light and God’s voice told everyone that He was pleased with His son. This reminded us of our work on symbols of the Holy Trinity and how the dove represented the Holy Spirit and the light represented the Father. This event was the first evidence many people had which showed that Jesus truly was the Son of God. Just as Jesus was baptised, we are too. Our sins are washed away and we are welcomed into God’s family. He is pleased with each and every one of us.
English - This week we finished our non-chronological reports. I have been very impressed by the detail, language and sentence structure the children have demonstrated and am really enjoying marking them. We have also now begun our next narrative unit, quest and finding stories, and have begun looking at Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers. We made predictions about the story.
Maths - We have spent a few days developing and building our confidence in subtraction. We have solved subtraction problems involving exchanges and without exchanges and have been attempting to solve a mixture of these by looking at the numbers involved.
Science - We learned about a range of different habitats and some of the plants and animals which live there. We used information sheets to collect information about a range of mammals, bird, plants and other creatures that might be found in different habitats.
RE - We have continued our work on the miracle of Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead. We have been thinking about questions. Questions we might want to ask and questions the people in the story might have asked one another. We then thought about possiblr answers to these questions.
History - We explored Victorian hospitals and looked out how these differed from modern hospitals. We wrote about the similarities and differences both types of hospital have.
PE - In indoor PE we were delighted to work with Erin from the Blackpool FC Community Trust who will be with us for the next 11 weeks supporting our indoor gymnastics work. We explored different balances, creating sequences of these with our partners. In outdoor PE we continued to develop our dribbling, passing and trapping skills with a football.
Computing - We began to explore keyboard shortcuts when word processing. We began to look out how we can underline, embolden, select all, start new lines and use capital letters to type up sections of our English work.
Art - We have been looking at ripping paper to create positive and negative stencils for drawing.
Please continue to practise the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words - both reading and spelling!
Please practice learning the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables as later this half term we will be having times table tests on these.
Other Tasks
Times Tables Tests
From now on we will be alternating our times tables practice and spelling practice homeworks. This week we ask you to practice the 5 times table (use the resource sent home as well as this week’s worksheet). Please practise these both ways, e.g. 3 x 5 = 15 and 5 x 3 = 15 as both of these types will be included on next week’s test. There is also an additional challenge sheet for those who want to try some much harder 5 times table questions using the knowledge they have.
Year 2 Common Exception Word activity sheets.
Subtracting two-digit number worksheet with and without an exchange.
Use this copy of Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers to read together and then write a character description of the boy.
Please visit the typing club website from a device with a keyboard (f you have one) to be able to practice touch typing.
As always, the MOST important way that you can support your child is by reading regularly! Please do this as regularly as possible over the break!
Golden Award - Elsie - for her kind and incredibly helpful nature.
Writing Award - Sienna - for a fantastic report about shipwrecks.
Maths Award - Luna - for a fantastic attitude towards her maths learning.
Discipleship Award -
The Wednesday Word is now available online, rather than the paper copies we used to send home pre-covid. Please click this link to access this week’s gospel.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons