Good afternoon everyone,
In this week’s school liturgy we have been learning about faith through the parable of the mustard seed. A mustard seed is incredibly small but Jesus told us that with that tiny amount of faith in God we can do amazing things to improve our lives and the lives of others. We learnt that mustard seeds can eventually grow into large trees and that this teaches us that all good things start from small beginnings.
English - We have been focusing on characters. We have read Sister for Sale by Adrian Bradbury and have been exploring the three main characters in the story. We have learned about expanded noun phrases and how these can be used to improve our descriptive writing. We have also been reading detectives, using clues from the text to make decisions about characters’ personalities, explaining our reasons why we think this. Finally. we have begun to write our own character description of Tom from the story, using our new skills.
Maths - We have been focusing upon counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s and using these skills to solve problems that involve counting equal groups. We have identified patterns in these counts and used this to explain what numbers are not included and have begun to link this to the concept of multiplication.
Science - We have learned about the life cycle of a mammal with a focus upon a sheep. We learned that sheep are born live, drink milk to grow and become independent fairly quickly. We then wrote a life cycle explanation.
RE - We have been learning about Abraham and Sarah and have planned and written diaries from the point of view of Abraham on his important journey.
History - We have focused on the factors which caused the Great Fire of London to spread so quickly and have learned why it took so long to slow down. We have discussed what we would change if we were to design a house/street which wouldn’t burn so quickly, thinking about materials and their properties.
PE - In our indoor PE we created ‘road maps’ as plans for performing our dance routines and practised these in the hall.. In outdoor PE, we continued to develop our passing and moving skills and our skills in blocking passes.
Art - In art we used chalks and pastels to create fiery London skylines.
Regular Tasks
Please continue with the regular tasks sent home previously (counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s; reading and writing Year 1 and 2 common exception words)
Other Tasks
Spelling - Practise the ay, a-e, igh and i-e sounds as many of us still find these tricky in our spelling.
Maths - Number bonds worksheet.
English - Noun phrases worksheet - A noun phrase is made up of a noun (naming word) and a determiner (such as: a, the, our, her, my, some, that, etc) to make a phrase. E.g. a cat, some coins, my brother.
Writing - Write the correct split digraph words from the pictures.
As always, the MOST important way that you can support your child is by reading regularly!
Golden Award - Amara - for always working hard and for a huge improvement in her work.
Writing Award - Cameron - for his super work in Read Write Inc.
Maths Award - Erin - for welcoming a challenge in his work.
Class Disciple Award -
Over the next two weeks we are collecting tinned foods for our harvest focus. There will be a letter sent home shortly (as soon as our printer is working again!). Please bring into school whatever you can. Thank you for your support.
PTA Event
On Thursday 20th October we will be having an own clothes day to raise money for the PTA. We ask for a £1 donation. This will be set up through parentpay.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons