Good afternoon everyone,
In this week’s school liturgy we have been learning about the story of the poor man, Lazarus, who was treated terribly by a rich man whilst on Earth. Once the men died, this changed drastically with Lazarus getting treated well in heaven and the rich man being treated very differently.
We can learn from this story the importance of kindness and charity. In class we discussed how just because someone has lots of things, it does not necessarily mean that they are happy or a good person. We linked this to our RE lessons about being God’s chosen people and how we need to share the gifts God has given us with others.
English - We have begun our Read Write Inc units. Most of the class have been looking at stories with a familiar setting and have been reading the story of Cottonwool Colin by Jeanne Willis and Sister for Sale by Adrian Bradbury. We have been learning new vocabulary, such as sheltered, protected, vast, enormous, terrified and alarmed and have been using these words in sentences. We have also begun to learn about the conjunction ‘when’ and how it can be used in the middle of a sentence but also at the beginning.
Maths - We have developed our skills in comparing numbers using > greater than, < less than and = equal to. We have explored both numbers and number sentences to apply this skill. We have also been ordering numbers in different ways from largest to smallest and visa-versa. We have also begun to do work on counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. Please continue to practise this at home!
Science - We have learned about the life cycle of a butterfly. We thought about the different stages and how much these creatures change as they grow. We then began to compare a butterfly’s life cycle with that of a bird.
RE - We have been learning about Abraham and Sarah and the faith they showed in God. We discussed and wrote about their trust and the promises that God made them and how Abraham must have felt when he decided to take such a difficult journey.
History - We have been looking at excerpts from Samuel Pepys diary and using this information to help us make sense of the events of the Great Fire of London. We learned how and where the fire started and what happened on each day. We continued to discuss how useful Pepys’ diary is as a primary source of information about the fire.
Computing - We have been on a technology safari this week. We have looked around school to identify different types of computers and thought about the parts they have which let us know they are computers. We have also practised turning laptops on, logging in selected programs, then shutting down.
PE - In our indoor PE we continued to travel as different vehicles and at different speeds. We put movements and speeds together to make short sequences and practised these to perform to music. In outdoor PE, we developed our passing and moving skills and began to develop our skills in blocking passes.
Art - In art we created Tudor-style houses after our work on the Great Fire of London.
Regular Tasks
Please continue with the regular tasks sent home last week.
Other Tasks
Spelling - Practise the second set of year 2 common exception words for a test next Friday. Underline the tricky part in each word to help you remember how it is spelled. Practise these regularly, rather than just once!
Maths - Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s worksheet.
English - Conjunctions worksheet - Choose the best conjunction (and, or, but, so) to complete the sentences.
Reading - Great Fire of London comprehension worksheet.
As always, the MOST important way that you can support your child is by reading regularly!
Golden Award - Jessie - for her kindness, positivity and hard work. She is a wonderful role model!
Writing Award - Elsie - for always trying to develop and uplevel her written work.
Maths Award - Matilda - for working so hard on comparing numbers.
Class Disciple Award - Archer - for sharing a book with his friend.
For those of you who missed it or want to be able to reference the information, here is a copy of the presentation from today’s Meet the Teacher. Thank you for the wonderful turn out!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Gibbons