This week, Year 2 have all come home with a sponsorship form. During Lent Our Lady of the Assumption is looking to fundraise for both CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) in its campaign to ‘Walk Against Hunger’ and also our local children’s cancer charity – Brian House. We will make our own ‘Pilgrimage’ during Lent knowing that each little step we take will make a BIG difference. Each class will set its own Lenten walking target and in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 we will be walking daily laps around the school field. We are asking parents/families to sponsor their child/children to undertake their special ‘Pilgrimage Walk’. Once we’ve completed our walk, we will add our kilometres to CAFOD’s ‘ Walk Against Hunger Totaliser’. The aim nationally is 40,000 km! This is a massive challenge, but by joining together we can all help stamp out hunger one step at a time. CAFOD is also supporting the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Thank you for your support!

Here is a copy of the sponsorship form that can be printed if you need more.

This Week In Year 2…

In English we have finished off our history topic with a focus upon Florence Nightingale. We have described the changes she made to hospitals by writing a letter from her to her parents, describing her journey. We have also been looking at various suffixes, such as -ness, -ment, -ful and -less and have been creating words and sentences using these.

In Maths, we have continued our work on multiplication and have been creating our own number sentences using pictures of equal groups. We have also begin to create arrays as a way of representing multiplication problems and have learned that multplication can be done in any order, e.g. 4x5 will give the same answer as 5x4.

In Science, we have looked at dependency in various habitats. We have learned about how all living things in a habitat need each other for a purpose. Some need others for food, some for water, some for shelter and some plants need other living things to help them spread their seeds.

In Geography, we looked at and explained the functions of key items found on islands. We marked where they might be on a map of an island and wrote an explanation of each.

In RE, on Tuesday we visited our church to identify and discuss some of the key features we find there. We explored the tabernacle, sanctuary light, altar, crucifix and other items such as the confessional booth, organ and pulpit. We also followed the stations of the cross around our church. We also learned about the importance of the readings as part of the Mass. We looked at the Greatest Commandment and discussed how we would apply this to our day-to-day lives.

In Computing, we developed our knowledge of algorithms and discussed actions we would want our sprite to complete, using Scratch. We discussed which lines of code might help us to do this.

In PE, we continued creating gymnastics sequences and further developed our racket and ball skills.


Spelling words to practise for a test in a fortnight’s time.

Maths - Use the arrays (equal groups) to find both multiplication sentences, e.g. 3 x 6 = 18 and 6 x 3 = 18

English - Compound nouns worksheet. Compound nouns are two nouns that are often written together to make a single noun, e.g. backpack, sandcastle, football.

Year 3’s Bits and Bobs Sale

We would just like to express a huge thank you to all of you who have brought money in to buy items from Year 3’s bits and bobs sale. We have been entirely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of our class and of our school as a whole.

We have managed to raise a breath-taking £655 pounds to support those escaping the conflict in Ukraine. Thank you all for your support and a massive well done to Miss Heim-Sarac and the Year 3 children for their hard work.

I have written a list of those children in Year 2 who have yet to receive their purchased item. I will send this to Year 3 and hopefully get them next week. The shop was much bigger than expected and so some orders are taking slightly longer to honour!

World Book Day

Just a reminder that we will celebrate the dressing up aspect of World Book Day on Friday 25th March.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Olivia - for a fantastic, positive attitude towards her learning. Olivia is a super Year 2 role model!

Writing Award - Leo - for working so hard on his handwriting in his informal letter.

Maths Award - William - for super work on arrays.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell, Mrs Gibbons and Miss Collins

AuthorLiam Whetnall