Good afternoon all,

It has been another busy week in Year 2 as we continue to readapt to our full time routine. The children have been enthusiastic and it is lovely to see them enjoying being with their friends so much.

In English this week, we have taken everything right back to basics. Some of us are finding lengthier writing a little challenging and are working to rebuild our stamina and motivation which has understandably dwindled over the past few weeks. We have been going back to remembering our full stops and capital letters, which is something we seem to be forgetting at the moment. Through George’s Marvellous Medicine we have written character descriptions and have been supported in saying our ideas out loud as sentences before we try to write them. We have also been discussing our rule of and - this is a rule I have put in place which says only two sentences at a time can be joined by and to ensure our writing doesn’t sound like a list. We have also worked on using the conjunctions when, which and that to improve our character descriptions.

Spelling - Our spelling has taken a little step back due to all that has happened this year so I would just like to ask that if you have a spare moment, please continue to practice spelling (and reading) the Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words (which can be found here). It is so vital that the children can use these accurately in their writing.

In Maths, we have continued to explore multiplication and have been looking at how multiplication can be done in either order (see if your child can remember the name for this - it begins with a c). This means that 4x5 is the same as 5x4, etc and is key to solving multiplication problems. We have drawn arrays to demonstrate this.

In Science, we have looked at plants again and have discussed the life cycle of a flowering plant.

In History, we have been using venn diagrams to compare the nurses we have learned about.

In RE, we have focused on the Liturgy of the Eucharist and have learned about both the Offertory and the Consecration.

In PE, we continue to develop our ball game skills.


Please do continue to read daily where possible - this is so important to rebuild the children’s confidence and independence, both for reading and writing.


This week’s homework pages are on the Year 2 Homework tab of our website.

Friday Finish

Just a reminder that our Friday finish time 1.15pm.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Lola Mae - for working so hard and showing excellent focus.

Writing Award - Darcy - for fabulous speaking and listening ideas.

Maths Award - Dominic - for working hard on his multiplication tasks.

Have a lovely weekend!

AuthorLiam Whetnall