What a lovely week it has been! It has been wonderful to see all of our friends and get back to a little bit of normality. The children have settled in really well, have worked hard and have really enjoyed being back in our little bubble! We just need to remember to keep our voices down in class and not talk when somebody else is talking!

This week has been a settling back in week. We have been working to re-acclimate ourselves to the classroom environment and get back into our routines. We have tried really hard with this!

In English, we have been looking at George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We have made predictions about what we think will happen and have used conjunctions and evidence from the blurb to explain our reasons for thinking this. We have also been focusing upon character descriptions and have begun to plan and write a description all about Grandma.

In Maths, we have started our work on multiplication. We have been looking at finding, making and adding equal groups and have begun to build number sentences using the multiplication symbol.

In Science, we have finally begun our topic on plants. We have looked at the main parts of a plant and explained what their job is. We have also started an investigation to observe the growth of different plants by planting a gladioli bulb and a sunflower seed. We will be monitoring their growth weekly and recording what we notice.

In History, we have learned all about Edith Cavell and written fact files about her life and why she is significant.

In RE, we have been looking at the offertory and what invisible gifts we can offer to Jesus to make the perfect thank you symbol for God.

We have also continued our spelling units and have been focusing upon the ‘o’ sound spelled with the letter ‘a’ after w, wh and qu.

It has been a very busy week but the children are settling back in well. We have worked very hard!


Rather than preparing lots of sheets of homework, I will be sending home a work booklet and will set pages to be completed from this at home. This will make setting homework much more manageable and will safe endless streams of paper. I will set one maths tasks and one english task weekly (this will be set on the ‘Year 2 -> homework’ page of our school website) so please check this page weekly to see what has been set for that week. I will also send home a weekly spellings practice sheet as normal for our spelling tests on Friday. I may also at times send other homework if there are specific tasks that the children would benefit from doing.

Mrs Bowdell has also prepared some more times table lists for the children to take home. These are the same ones that were sent home earlier this academic year but many children have said they have lost them. Please practice your times tables regularly as we will be having weekly times tables tests as well. It is also important to explain that if we know, for example, that 8 x 3 = 24 then we also know that 3 x 8 = 24 too. Times tables rockstars is also a great place to practice!

Please do not complete the whole booklet in one go or there will be no other homework for you to do at home.

Award Winners

Golden Award - Lily T - for always giving her all in everything she does. She is a real Year 2 role model!

Writing Award - Harriet - for a wonderfully written Edith Cavell fact file in History.

Maths Award - James - for his hard work in our morning/afternoon mental maths revision sessions.


Here are some photos from our planting.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall