Good afternoon everyone,
We are soon about to enter our final Sunday of Advent, where we will light our last purple candle. This candle symbolises love. When we light this candle we are also reminded of the angels who proclaimed the good news of Jesus’ coming. We too are called to celebrate and share this good news with those with meet through our words and actions. Jesus wants us to always shine our light and live in a way which shows love and kindness towards others. This week we think about how we can show our love as we continue to wait patiently for Jesus. We could help our family, donate a gift to someone in need, talk to a lonely neighbour, try to be more accepting of others or welcome a new person into our lives.
During these difficult times, it is more important than ever to show our love and shine our lights towards others.
This week…
In English, we finished off our frog life cycle explanation texts and begin to think about editing them to improve our spelling, punctuation and how they are read by our reader. We have also practised reading our Year 2 common exception words and words with various suffixes.
In Maths, we have continued our work on addition and subtraction. We have looked at adding two digit numbers in which the total is larger than 10 to see what will happen. We have used our knowledge of drawing tens and ones to support this. We have also begun to explore subtraction of two-digit numbers using our drawing method, as well as mental methods to support this.
In Science, we have finished our work in human health. We have learned about making healthy eating choices and learning why a balanced diet helps our body in different ways. We have also learned about medicine and how this can help us when we are poorly but needs to be used properly or it can be harmful to us. We also observed the effects of our hygiene investigation. We were quite surprised at the results!
In RE, we have focused upon Advent and the Christmas story. We learned about this week’s theme and discussed the ways in which we can show love. We also learned about Joseph’s feelings when he found out he was going to be Jesus’ father on earth.
We have also been busy performing our nativity. We did such an amazing job and performed clearly, loudly and with confidence. We are all so proud of every single one of you, Year 2! We were also lucky enough to be able to watch year 3’s wonderful nativity performance. We had a great time.
Christmas Jumper Day
We had a great time on Tuesday with our Christmas Jumper Day. Thank you for your kind donations and thank you to the children who looked so fantastic. This day was also our Christmas dinner day. We had a great time.
Nativity Video
I am hoping that our nativity performance videos will be ready very soon. I know our videographer is busy editing them to make them look as fantastic as possible. I will let you all know via Class Dojo when we receive the video and where it can be found.
As it is Christmas next week the only homework I will be setting is for the children to have the best possible break they can! It is incredibly well deserved.
PTA Fundraising
Thank you for your support on Christmas jumper day and helping to raise money for school funds.
The PTA have also very kindly provided some gifts for the children this Christmas. Each child will be given a Christmas-themed story to read over half term. Each child will also receive a selection box to enjoy.
The PTA have also organised a Christmas quiz which we undertook on Wednesday. The winning class will recieve a movie day in the Spring term.
Finally, the PTA provided us with a virtual pantomime, Aladdin, which we watched on Thursday. We also had a packet of popcorn each to enjoy whilst watching.
Christmas Colouring Competition
Well done to the Year 2 colouring competition winner - Elsie!
Elsie also won the Key Stage 1 prize for her lovely entry.
Golden Award 1 - The Whole of Year 2 - for their fantastic commitment to and performance of their Nativity.
Golden Award 2 - Aibhin - for overcoming her nerves during her performance and working so hard, especially her lovely singing of Away in a Manger.
Writing Award - Willow - for her fabulous 0ersuasive letter.
Maths Award - Florence - for really persevering and working hard on her maths.
We wish you all a very merry and peaceful Christmas. Please stay safe and take care of each other.
We look forward to seeing you on January 4th.
All our love,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins.