Good afternoon everyone,
This coming Sunday we light our third candle on our Advent wreath. This is our pink candle which symbolises joy. We rejoice in the excitement of Jesus’ arrival into our lives and continue to think about how we can prepare ourselves for His arrival. In school, we will try to bring joy to others, particularly if they are feeling unhappy or lonely. We will also try to find joy in the great things that God has brought to our lives and thank Him for these.
This Week…
In English, we have worked hard to complete our explanation texts all about the life cycle of a frog. The children have really tried to include the important features of an explanation, such as question sentences, time phrases and conjunctions.
In Maths, we have used mental and written method to develop our skills in adding one-digit and two-digit numbers together. We have learned a practical method in which we draw tens and ones to help us to add numbers more comfortably. Next week, we will apply these skills to subtraction work.
In Science, we have set up an experiment to investigate the importance of washing our hands before handling food. We have used four slices of bread and handled them after: washing our hands with soap and water, washing with sanitiser, washing with just water and not washing at all. Over the next 10 days we will observe the bread and see what happens. We have asked questions we would like answering and made predictions about what we think will happen.
We have also explored the importance of different types of exercise and how this helps our bodies and minds in different ways. We talked and wrote about our favourite types of exercise and thought about their positive effects on us.
In RE, we have been exploring the Christmas story and have focused upon the very beginning with the Annunciation. The children have learned about the Angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary and have written a diary entry from Mary’s point of view about what happened and how she felt on that special day.
In Geography, we have continued our focus on oceans and a very important issue involving them – plastic pollution. We have learned about what plastic pollution is, where the problems can be seen, what effect it has on living things and have talked about small changes we could make to ease this problem. We produced posters to explain to others why they should be concerned about plastic pollution and how they can help.
In PE, we have begun to finish off our work on ball games and tactics. We have learned the different ways to pass a ball to a team mate, how to move into space and receive a pass, how to intercept passes from others and how to engage in small-scale team ball games, similar to netball.
Nativity Performance
On Wednesday, we had a videographer come into school to record our nativity performance. The children did an absolutely outstanding job of this and I honestly could not have been prouder of them. They are an absolute credit to you all. The videographer captured everything he needed and we now await the completed video ready for you to access as soon as we receive it.
On Monday 13th, Year 2 will be performing their nativity to a live audience – the children of Y5 and Y6. We are all very excited about this and I know we will do an amazing job.
This week’s homework is a sheet on drawing tens and ones to add 2 two-digit numbers together for Maths. There is also a Christmas-themed reading comprehension for the children to complete. Finally, there are the next ten Y2 common exception words to practice for our final spelling test of 2021 next Friday.
Next Friday’s Finish
Our last school day before Christmas is Friday 17th December. On this day we break up at 2pm. Children will need to be collected at this time.
Award Winners
Golden Award – Charlotte – for a super attitude towards school and for pushing herself to complete more challenging activities.
Writing Award – Elsie - for working hard on her ideas and some super sentences in her writing.
Maths Award – Oscar-James - for trying very hard with his written addition work.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Miss Collins