Good morning Year 2,

I hope you’ve had another good week. We’re getting closer and closer to the Summer holidays now which hopefully means we’re getting closer and closer to getting back to normal and hopefully returning to school!

Thank you again for all your hard work and for working especially hard on your writing. I’m sure Miss Heim-Sarac will be delighted with how hard you are working on this!

That reminds me. As well as having your weekly Home Learning Project work which is attached here from me for you to complete, there is also a special, additional task for you to complete this week. You are very close to going into Year 3 and so on the Year 3 page of our school website, Miss Heim-Sarac will have set you an activity to complete for her in your weekly blog to help get you ready for your move into Year 3 and Key Stage 2! This activity(ies) (and only this activity(ies)) will need to be completed and a picture/copy of work, etc will need to be sent to Miss Heim-Sarac via email at . Please do check the Year 3 blog to see what Miss Heim-Sarac would like you to do and show her exactly how amazing you are!

I will also be doing the same for our Year 1 children further down on this blog.

Our Home Learning Project for this week is one of those we missed previously and is all about Under the Sea. I hope you enjoy doing it as much as I have enjoyed planning it. Here is the work to download and complete.

Week 13 Home Learning Project - Under the Sea

Resources Part 1 (Reading, Science, Spelling, Writing)

Resources Part 2 (Geography, Maths, RE)

Here is this week’s Learners of the Week Gallery:

Have a lovely week Year 2 and I hope you enjoy completing your Year 3 work for Miss Heim-Sarac,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.

Good Morning Year 1!

It seems a very long time ago since I was last able to see many of you but I can tell you that I am really excited about welcoming you all into Year 2 in September.

I have written you all a little letter so you can read through it and learn a bit more about me. Click on your name from the links below to find your letter.

Emilia          Teddy          Henry          Darcy          Elsie            Oscar

Lilly C          Rose            Dominic        Kurt            Mia              Peter

Ronnie          Sienna         Hallie           Harriet        Tommy         Lola May

Corben         Isaac           Olivia S        Rosanna        Lily T           Alexander

Connie          James          Olivia W      Grace          Zahra


If you would like to hear me reading the letter please click here.

To help us to settle in and get to know each other better, I have got two tasks for you to do over the next week (it can be sent to me any day between today and Friday so don’t panic or feel like you need to rush!)

The first task I would like you to do is to tell me all about yourself. This can be done in any way you would like. You could do it by writing me a letter, filling in the All About Me Sheet, making a poster or even filming a video of yourself if you would like!

The second task I would like you to do is to send me a self-portrait. A portrait is a drawing or painting you create of yourself. Take your time and make it look as much like you as you possibly can! When you have finished, I would like you to write some adjectives (describing words) around your picture which describe what you are like as a person. This will really help me to get to know you!

When you have finished these tasks, they can be sent to me by email at . I can’t wait to see all your amazing work, Year 1 (or should I say nearly-Year 2?).


See you soon Year 1,


Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.

AuthorLiam Whetnall