Good morning, Year 2, and happy new week to you all! I hope you’ve all had another good week at home and we are so lucky to have so much wonderful weather to lift our spirits.

If you haven’t already seen it, please check out the blog post previous to this one on our Year 2 page as it contains own class Covid 19 Togetherness video. Just a warning, it’s surprisingly emotional so make sure you have a handkerchief ready! :) I will also send you a direct link to my google drive so you can download and keep the video. I’ll do this through Class Dojo in the next week or so.

Once again, thank you for your tremendous hard work in your home learning. You have really gone above and beyond (both children and parents) and I cannot put into words just how much I appreciate it. It has brought sunshine into my days seeing all your excellent work and I have never been prouder to see how much you can all do on your own. You’re all certainly ready for Year 3 and the Juniors. Exciting times!

In regards to home learning, it is much the same this week. Please keep reading, use books at home, comics, newspapers, magazines and the Oxford Owl website. The more you read, the bigger your brain gets, it’s a scientific fact! :) Also, keep practising writing. I cannot overstate how important this is. You can do the tasks I set, but if you don’t particularly like my ideas, write a story of your own! Any writing is better than no writing. It has been lovely to receive so much more written work this past week from you all and I have loved reading your ideas. Keep it up!

This week’s Home Learning Project is all about Music. Just to clarify, as different year groups have gaps in different themes it may be that your younger/older sibling is completing a different topic for their Learning Project but if this becomes a problem, choose one and do the same activities (obviously not the Reading, Writing, Spelling and Maths but the others are fine!).

Next week, as part of our virtual transition days, I will be directing you to Miss Heim-Sarac’s Year 3 blog as she will have a task for you to complete over the course of the week beginning the 6th July. I will still be setting and receiving your weekly work but Miss Heim-Sarac will be waiting for the one piece she sets you. More details of this will be in next week’s blog but this is just your 7 day warning to check Year 3 as well as Year 2’s blog on that week!

Finally, Miss Dixon is organising a virtual sports day for us all to take part in. You will receive points based upon the activities you successfully complete which will be contributed towards your house team. The more you do, the more points you’ll get! Check the PE/Sports page of our blog at for more information about this.

Here is this week’s Home Learning work.

Home Learning Activities Week 12 - Music

Resources Week 12 (I managed to fit them all into one zip file - woohoo!)

Finally, here is our Learners of the Week gallery, now containing 70% more writing!

Have a great week, Year 2. We miss you,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.

AuthorLiam Whetnall