Good morning Year 2!

Have you all had a lovely half term? I sincerely hope you have. It has been lovely that some of our lockdown rules have been eased slightly and I hope some of you have been able to see loved ones that you have been missing. It’s been the perfect weather for a socially distanced chat in the garden with some friends or family! :)

As you will all be aware, from today (Monday 8th June) we will begin to open more widely for more children. Sadly, this does not include our year group at the moment, which is a real shame, but I will continue to provide home learning tasks for you and support you as best as I can. Because of this wider opening, I will be spending even more time working with and supporting the children who are returning to school and this will likely mean that I am not as available to look at work or respond to queries or concerns you may have. I will try my best to manage this as well as I possibly can and new home learning projects will still be uploaded every Monday unless something changes in the next few weeks.

I would like to thank those of you who have sent your I’ll Be There For You 10 second video clip to me. So far I have 17 videos but I’m still missing 11 of these! It would be lovely to have a video from each member of our class as I would like the video to show our lovely little Year 2 team in its entirety. (I will even be asking Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska to record theirs too!) I will put an updated list of all the videos I have so far on the Class Dojo story page. If you are in contact with anyone who has not yet emailed me their video please could you just remind them of this as I know there are a couple of parents who I have not yet managed to get onto Class Dojo. All 10 second video clips can be sent to me at

This week’s home learning project (How on Earth are we on week 9 of these projects!?) is all about The World. This may be different to the projects you have for other children at school for this week (because I accidentally used the wrong one - sorry!) but I hope you will all find it enjoyable and that it will provide plenty of learning opportunities! Like week 8’s project I will attach the worksheets and other files in zipped files in different parts. Please download all of the files to access all of this week’s learning.

The files are all here:

Week 9 Home Learning Project

Resources for Home Learning Project - Part 1 (Maths, Spelling, Geography, PE)

Resources for Home Learning Project - Part 2 (Reading, Writing, RE)

Can I also point you all in the direction of BBC Bitesize’s Key Stage 1 Learning Pages. This site has lots of wonderful activities as well as plenty of daily lessons suitable for all year groups. If you would like to follow any of the lessons, from the the link above click on the orange start a lesson button then choose Year 2/P3. On this page there are daily lessons for a variety of subjects. You can decide to choose today’s date and follow each activity on the page, pick and choose the lessons you would like or even go back through previous days’ lessons. I highly recommend this page if you are looking for something more to supplement your child’s home learning.

There is also a fantastic page for those of you looking to deepen your child’s maths learning. This is the Nrich page. There are lots of ‘outside the box’ activities on this page linked to various maths topics. If you are looking for a fun challenge, I highly recommend this!

Please do also continue to use the Sumdog, TT Rockstars and Education City accounts to bolster your learning. These are fantastic, fun ways to learn and are perfect for little ‘15 minute gaps’.

I would like to say a huge congratulations to our TWO HUNDRED Dojo points club: Amelia, Jacob and Lexi Rose.

I would also like to say a huge congratulations to our ONE HUNDRED Dojo points club: Charlotte and Joshua.

Well done to all of you.

Finally, here is our Home Learners of the Week Gallery from the past three weeks:

Have a lovely week everyone. Stay safe, stay well and stay active.

Lots of love,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.

AuthorLiam Whetnall