Happy new week, Year 2!

I hope we’re all doing okay and working hard on our home learning projects for our parents. I’ve been so impressed with the work I have been sent from some of you and it has really helped me to see the exciting things you’ve been doing at home! Keep up the amazing hard work.

This week’s home learning project is all about space. There are lots of exciting activities and resources for you to engage in and I hope you get lots out of them. As a reminder, the activities are split into key areas and the 4 main key areas (reading, writing, maths and spelling) are divided into days of the week. Each activity is best done on that day of the week. Some of these activities can be completed independently but some may require adult support. With that being the case, at the bottom of each section I always add additional activities which can be done as well as/instead of those listed. Some of these require less adult input and may be better for you if you are working from home and are not as available to support learning due to work commitments. Please try to do at least one of each activity everyday where possible.

Sites like the Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize are very useful to support home learning and offer a wealth of varied activities.

I would just like to remind everyone of the importance of engaging in the writing activities on the Home Learning Projects. Writing is SO important to practise regularly and the writing activities included often point out key features to include to ensure your child is confident with these. On top of this please also ensure that your child reads regularly (Oxford Owl has lots of different books and the Home Learning Projects always contain different reading materials too).

One last reminder: Could I ask that everyone sends me their ‘I’ll Be There For You’ 10 second video clip by the end of this week (Friday 19th June) as I will be starting to put the video together by then and I wouldn’t want anyone to be missing from the video. It can be something as simple as a dance, action, silly movement, holding a sign or showing off a skill. It doesn’t need sound as I will add the song over the top. Please send videos to year2@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk

Here is the Home Learning Project and resources for this week:

Week 10 Home Learning Project - Space

Resources Part 1 (Maths, Geography, PE)

Resources Part 2 (Reading, Spelling, Science)

Resources Part 3 (Writing)

Finally, here is our Learners of the Week Gallery:

Have a lovely week everyone and stay safe,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.

AuthorLiam Whetnall