What an exciting week it has been! We have had lots of fun in Year 2, which penultimately culminated in lots of celebration on World Book Day!

Thank you so much for the effort and time you put into your World Book Day costumes - we are always delighted to see the variety of characters and books that the children like to read.

Our World Book Day was a day of engagement with reading. Reading is so important to what we do in school, it underpins absolutely everything! If you cannot read confidently, you will miss out on a world of activities and opportunities. Not only that, but think of all the fun you will miss out on without being able to cosy up with a good book! Grab a book and enjoy reading it!

To celebrate WBD, the children shared their books from home with other children. It was lovely to see the enthusiasm and joy as children shared their favourite books and discovered new titles for themselves. We also had a book scavenger hunt where we had to scour our reading area to find characters, topics and features hidden within stories. The children absolutely adored this! We made our own little monster book marks to help us to keep our page. They’re fantastic! We intended to have our own quiz but unfortunately ran out of time so this will hopefully occur at some point this week.

Outside of World Book Day, it has been another exciting week with lots of learning.

In English we have been learning all about informal letters and have been applying our skills by writing a letter home as Florence Nightingale detailing our experiences in the military hospital in Scutari. I’ve been very impressed by the standard of writing in these letters so far!

In Maths, we have been looking more deeply at multiplication. We have been solving problems by drawing arrays and also using our times table facts to help us to quickly solve 2x and 5x table problems.Remember, the better your child can recall their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables, the easier they will be able to solve problems in a range of situations, including their “special work” coming up later this year.

In Science, it’s been all about plants! We have been checking on our seeds and bulbs, many of which have started to germinate - ask your child what this means! We have also set up an investigation to see exactly what plants need to grow properly.

In RE, we have focused upon lent, making lenten promises and learning about some of the signs and symbols of lent.

In History, we have been learning about another revolutionary nurse - Mary Seacole! We learnt how she changed nursing and how she paved the way for both women and for racial equality. Can your child tell you a fact about Mary?

Finally, our grammar focus has been upon different sentence types - statements, commands, questions and exclamations. There is at least one example of each in this blog. Can you find them all?

Award winners this week…

Golden award - Oscar - for his kind actions in helping others.

Writing award - Emelia - for a super informal letter.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska.

AuthorLiam Whetnall