It’s finally half term and we are all ready for a very well-deserved break! The children have worked hard right up until the last minute of today and have made me proud with what they have achieved.

In English. we finished our setting descriptions and I have been well and truly blown away by the use of metaphors, similes, adjectives and expanded noun phrases by all of the children! They are wonderful to read.

In Maths, we have concluded our work on money. I am so impressed with the level of skill the children have with using money and they have demonstrated this consistently recently. We are still struggling with word problems and I think this might be because we are rushing to finish and not thinking carefully about what we need to do.

In Science, we have learned about different materials and how they can be changed and have explored changing a variety of materials.

In RE we have learned about Jesus’ miracle when he fed 5000 people. We wrote a newspaper report about this.

Homework for half term is a SATS paper. It is for reading as I feel this is an area where many of the children still need a bit of practice! Please allow them to complete this as independently as possible as this will help you to gauge where they are with their reading development. The homework doesn’t have to be returned until 27th February so please do it in bits if this is easier.

Award winners this week are….

Golden award - Ruby - for always being a super role model.

Writing award - Joseph for super ideas and Avie for a super setting description.

Maths award - Isabella - for always getting stuck in and welcoming a challenge.

Have a lovely and safe half term,

Mr Whetnall, Mrs Bowdell and Mrs Debowska

AuthorLiam Whetnall