peace candle.png

Hello to you all.

We are finally in our festive season and looking forward to the days ahead. This week’s theme in class has been around hope for the first week of Advent and next week we will be looking at the ways we can be peaceful and attentive in class and around school. Sometimes, especially during this festive period, peace can slip by us but let us not forget the angels message of peace and goodwill to all men and try to find our own sanctuary, as well as allowing others to discover theirs.

In English this week we have been very busy completing our phonics screening checks. The children have done so, so well and we have all been impressed by their resilience and hard work in their reading and phonics work. I know many of you are awaiting the screening check results but I believe Miss Haggerty would like to add a website post explaining some background before your receive them. As soon as I am able to give them to you, I will do so. However, all I will say is if the score is not what you were expecting, please do not be disheartened, the children have had a severely disrupted 6 months and things take time to settle back in. We are not using the screening check results as a measure of your child’s progress/attainment and these will not reflect positively or negatively on your child and their journey through school. We have our own on-going assessment in school to support each child’s individual needs and will continue to implement these to best support each learner. Each child has done their very best and this is all I can ask of them! Well done, Year 2.

Maths - Our Maths this week has focused on using hundred squares to solve problems. We have solved number bonds to 100 with them and have looked and adding and subtracting ones, focusing upon the fact that the tens will change but the ones remain the same. The children understand that a jump upwards subtracts 10 and a jump downwards adds on 10 and are using this to develop their confidence in adding and taking away.

Science - We continued our habitat work by looking at a woodland. We learned about various animals and plants and how they are suited to the woodland habitat.

RE - We have looked at Advent and the symbolism behind the Advent wreaths. The children have begun to make their own wreaths which we will finish next week.

Award Winners

Golden award - Olivia S - for having a ‘can do’ attitude toward her learning.

Writing award - Zahra - For a lovely explanation of a woodland habitat.

Maths award - Lilly C - For trying so hard with her addition and subtraction of tens work.

Online Safety Reminder

I have had conversations with several children in class who regularly discuss the game ‘Fortnite’ amongst others. We have discussed as a class how this game is intended for much older teenager and adults and have content of a violent and inappropriate nature for 6 and 7 year olds and therefore, legally, they should not play these games. There is also the online aspect to these games which means children could be speaking to people they do not know who use language which is not appropriate to them. We have talked about the importance of only speaking online to people you know in real life and telling an adult if something happens which you don’t like.

Many thanks for your understanding on this topic.

Lines Sent Home

The children have been sent home with lines from a poem to learn over the next week, ready to perform hopefully next Friday. There are more details of this on the Year 2 homework section of the website.

Christmas Jumper Day

Just a reminder that Christmas jumper day is next Friday, the 11th December. We are asking for a small donation for Brian House.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall