What an end to the week it has been with our wonderful Christmas Jumper Day! The children looked fantastic and were so excited to show off their wonderful festive attire. Thank you all who donated money for Brian House, it is very much appreciated.

This week has been another busy one in Year 2 and the children have once again worked their socks off.

In English, we have continued with our Read Write Inc Groups and have further developed our phonics, reading and writing knowledge.

In Maths, we have had a big focus upon adding and subtracting tens. The children are great at this and we are building the foundations for developing written methods to solve more difficult addition and subtraction problems.

In RE, we finished our advent wreaths and thought about their symbolism. We also discussed the actions Christians take to prepare for the birth of Jesus during Advent.

In Science, we have researched and planned a non-chronological report for a world habitat. We will be writing this report next week.

In Geography, we learned all about plastic pollution and the devastating effects this has on our oceans and the living things in them. We designed posters to convince people to look after our oceans.

We have also been busy practising our Christmas poem and song which I hope to upload to the website next week as we recorded it to. I just need to edit it all together first.


There is no spelling homework being sent home today as we are yet to take this week’s spelling test so please feel free to practise those words over the weekend. The new spelling homework will be sent home on Monday.

Other homework has been sent home in the children’s bags. There are two maths sheets and a reading comprehension.

Reading Books

Unfortunately, we were unable to change reading books today. We will change these on Monday. In the meantime please use the Oxford Owl website and choose ebooks to read. (Click ‘My Class Login’ – username: olayear2 password: olayear2  and click on ‘My Bookshelf’ to browse available books). You can fill in the children’s reading record with books from here.

Award Winners

Golden award - Mia - for always being positive, hard working and a superstar.

Writing - Teddy - for his fabulous attention to detail in his writing.

Maths - Connie - for her super addition and subtraction work and for always supporting others.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Whetnall and Mrs Bowdell

AuthorLiam Whetnall