We have talked about the wonderful world that God created for us to live in this week and how He has pleased with what He had done. We have read and discussed the Creation story and even joined in with bits of it too! This is all part of our work on New Beginnings.
English - this week we have been working on the set 1 RWI sounds, recapping how to speak in ‘pure sounds’ so no ‘er’ at the end of each sound. We have also been working a lot on correct pencil grip (which should be between the thumb and first finger with the other fingers behind in support, with the pencil resting on the hand between the thumb and first finger) and have made a start with learning how to write in pre-cursive style. We have just been looking at the letter ‘a’ this week. We have also started our RWI group work this week, which is how the children will be taught English. This covers reading, writing and phonics. The children have been assessed and then split into three groups taught by me, Mrs Debowska and Mrs Connolly. RWI stands for the programme that we use - Read Write Inc
Maths - this week we have been working on grouping according to colour, size and shape. The children have had lots of practiceal experience of grouping and have been learning how to use their new Maths Books.
RE - we have continued with our new topic on Creation by listening to the Bible story of Creation and making our own story boards of the Creation story.
On Thursday the whole school went to Mass for our Welcome Back to the new school year Mass. Year 1 behaved very well and took part in the Mass brilliantly. A great start.
History - we have continued with our topic all about Our History by looking at timelines and starting to order events that happen during our day and think about things that have happened to us that we remember and those that we don’t.
To support our History topic on Our Family could I please ask you to send in a picture of your child with their family for our display board. I know it is tricky to get a picture of everyone, but if you have one and our happy to share, please send one into school. We will ensure you get these pictures back. If you don’t have a hard copy you can email one to me at year1@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk Thank-you.
Science - we have started our new topic on the human body by naming the parts of our body! We did this through singing, playing games and labeling a body picture.
Art - the children started their painting unit by examining thick and thin lines, paint and mark making.
I am delighted to announce this week’s winners….
Golden Award - Alix for showing super behaviour for learning and the independence that is required in Year 1. Alix is always ready to listen, watch and do her best - a great start to the year!
Writing Award - Sophia for applying her knowledge of phonics and special friends to writing unknown words in RWI
Maths Award - Dougie for super work in grouping this week and being able to explain what the group was and how we could change it.
General pieces of information
PE will be on Monday and Friday so please send the children into class in the PE kits on those days. No earrings can be worn for PE so please ensure that they are taken out at home.
Trainers - if your children is wearing trainers with laces for PE they must be able to tie them by themselves. This is a health and safety issue - please ensure your child can tie their laces before sending them in lace-up trainers.
Water bottles - all the children were given a new school bottle this week. This will come home each night to be cleaned and re-filled. Please only use the school bottles and ensure your child brings theirs each day. Lost water bottles can be replaced at the school office, but I am afraid you will have to pay for those. Year 1 have orange tops.
I will not be in class on a Thursday afternoon, as it is my release time. This will be covered by Mrs Debowska and Mrs McCooey and is also when the children will have Music with Mrs Watson.
Party Invitations - I am afraid that Mrs Debowska and I will not be able to give out party invitations in class. Please do not send your child into class with them for them to give out - it creates upset and fuss about something that takes place outside of school.Thank-you for your understanding with this matter.
Key Rings - please do not put key rings onto your child’s school bag, it create fuss in class and then upset if they are lost.
School bag - please continue to use the red book bag that your child was given in Reception, we don not have the room to store large bags. Many thanks for your help with this matter.
Homework Expectations - please see the Homework page for what I expect the children to do at home…..don’t worry, it’s mainly just reading!! HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS - YEAR 1 — Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School (squarespace.com)
Catholic Life of our school.
We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home. https://www.paperturn-view.com/uk/wednesday-word/faithfulness?pid=MTA101634&v=74.6
Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.
Reading Books - this week Mrs Debowska has begun her Guided Reading groups so the children will have read their GR books, applying the skills they are developing in RWI, and will have had their books changed. This will happen once a week, on the same day for your child that it did this week. Please ensure your child’s reading things are kept in their bag and are in school each day - but particularly on this day. The children will be heard reading to an adult EVERYDAY in their RWI lesson where they are taught the skills of reading, this GR session is to develop, practice, apply and refine these skills.
If you have any questions, please just ask. You can catch either me or Mrs Debowska at the gate or just email using year1@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk
And finally……have a lovely weekend…..Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Debowska & the Year 1 team.
Welcome Letter all attachments can be found on the Homework Page.Yr1 Homework — Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School (squarespace.com)