Well, we have reached that time of year again where it is time to say goodbye…..and look forward to next part of our adventure. I do not know where this year has gone to! It feels like yesterday when Year 1 walked through my door, not knowing what to expect.
This year I have watched Year 1 blossom; they have grown in confidence as the year has progressed and I am so proud of the class I see before me now. They have all made fantastic academic progress, but more than that, they have developed as little people with character traits which will stand them in good stead for the future. They have all developed their independence, resilience, friendships and willingness to just ‘have a go’ - this is the thing I am most proud of. If you never try, you’ll never know.
I wish you every success, Year 1, as you become Year 2. Miss Simons and I will watch your progress through school with much interest and great love - and with lots of lovely memories of the year we have had. I have loved every minute of it.
May the love of Christ fill you with strength, courage and love each and every day of your lives. God Bless.
This week the winners are…(a little round up of our year long star learners)
Golden Award - Amelia for truly embodying the core values of Our Lady’s - Care, Learn and Respect. Amelia you are a shining light in Year 1, with a beautiful soul and I cannot thank you enough for all that you hare given to me this year.
Writing Award - Esmae for making my heart sing every time I pick up a piece of your writing. It is always beautiful, well-presented, thoughtful and filled with detailed. Keep up the hard work!
Maths Award - Arlo for being a super start mathematician and always applying yourself fully to your Maths learning. Good luck in your new school Arlo - shine bright my love.
At Our Lady's we like to support our parents/carers in Online Safety matters.
Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.
This week’s online safety poster give helpful advice about…
Stay Safe Online This Summer - This free online safety poster can help young people to stay safer online over summer.
A heartfelt thank-you to you all for your kind words, lovely cards and very generous gifts you have given to me, Miss Simons and Miss Murray at the end of the year. We are very touched by your kindness and cannot thank you enough. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you…..
And finally….thank-you parents so much for all your hard work and support this year. I really appreciate all you have done for me and the children. Have a wonderful summer…..Mrs Hollinghurst, Miss Simons and all the Year 1 team xxxx
A few pictures of our week…..