This week has been all about learning the Hail Mary prayer. We have talked about how special Mary is, and about God chose her to be the mother of Jesus and that she placed her faith in the Lord. We will continue with this theme next half term in RE, this these past few weeks we have been learning the Hail Mary as part of the Rosary - and Year 1 have amazed me with how well they have done at remembering this prayer, which does contain so tricky language for 5 year olds!
This week we have bee learning….
English - we have continued with our RWI groups, focusing on phonics, reading, spelling and independent reading. In class we have continued to make progress with our pre-cursive letters, now up to ‘o’ and have continued on with the spelling of the Common Exception words.
Maths - this week has been all about ordinal numbers, using a number line, finding the missing numbers and using our number lines to find ‘how many jumps’ there are between pairs of numbers.
RE - this week we have continued with our work on the story of Noah’s Ark and have been learning to say the Hail Mary prayer as part of the Rosary.
Science - this week we finished off our work on the human body and our senses by ‘building’ a body ourselves and labelling all the parts correctly as our assessment piece of work.
Art - this week we had great fun by making ‘old toys’ to link in with our Family History topic from this half term.
We are very proud of all of the children this week, but these are the pupils we have selected for particular praise….
Golden Award - Annie for lovely work on Noah’ s Ark - drawing a super ark!
Writing Award - Sienna for super effort in letter and sounds activities.
Maths Award - Noah for super work in Fluent in Five mental Maths activities.
I am very much looking for to meeting you all properly tomorrow at our Parent/Teacher meetings. As stated on Class Dojo, you should have received your link today and we recommend that you log on 2/3 minutes before your appointment time just to ensure you get your full 10 minute slot. I cannot change any of the appointment times, or make the appointment last any longer as the day has ben set by Miss Haggerty. Each appointment is 10 minutes long, so if you have any questions or points to raise, please do this first to ensure we cover what you what to. I have plenty to say, but then I always do!! On the plus side, appointments cannot run over so the day will run to time. See you all tomorrow!!
We are VERY much looking forward to the half term break next week! This term is a long one for Year 1 and they have lots of new things to get used to, along with being asked to be much more independent. They are all tired and many of them are full of colds. I do hope you all manage to have a lovely, relaxing break next week and fingers crossed the weather will be kind to us!
HALF TERM TASK - it would be lovely if you could all take a picture next week of your child taking part in an Autumn activity - a walk through the woods, playing a game of conkers, painting an autumn picture, collecting leaves to make a college - and then share it on CLASS DOJO in the PORTFOLIO section. As most parents are now on Class Dojo it would be a lovely way to start using the site. One or two pictures would be lovely then we can look at them in class after the holidays. This is a secure site - no-one can take the pictures off it - not even me!! Thank-you in advance and I look forward to seeing the lovely activities the children manage to do next week. (As we are a Catholic school and will mark the Feast Days of All Saints and All Souls, I would really appreciate it if the photos weren’t Halloween themed - thank-you for your understanding.)
Thank-you so much for all your help and support this half term - it is much appreciated.
Have a lovely half term holiday; have fun and stay safe….Mrs Hollingurst and Mrs Veasey
A few photos of our week……..