This week has been all about the rainbow! We are learning all about Noah and his Ark in our RE lessons and we have talked about how God sent the rainbow after the flood as His promise to the world that He would never send a flood like that again. We have spoken a lot about promises this week and how God always keeps the promises that He makes to us.
This week we have been learning…..
English - we continue to work hard in our RWI groups in phonics, letters formation, spelling and independent writing. In class time we are all working on our pre-cursive handwriting, capital letters and full stops and thinking about creating our own sentences. This week in our handwriting we have mainly been working on ‘f’ and ‘k’ as they are quite tricky. Keep practicing the correct pencil grip.
Maths - this week has been all about ordering numbers from the greatest to the smallest or the smallest to the greatest and ensuring the children are confident to find these words in their Maths questions and they know what them mean. This had proved a bit tricky in independent work at the beginning of the week, but we are getting there now!
RE - this week has been all about Noah’s Ark - we have listened to the story, watched a video of it too and had lots of chats about why God was upset with what was happening in the world. We also coloured some beautiful rainbows and talked about what promise God made to the world through this sign.
Science - this week was all about observing our features of finding what is the same and what is different about each other - we all have two eyes, thankfully, but they are different colours. We have been celebrating our similarities and our differences and how they make each of us special.
Topic - this week we looked at our homes and why they are special to us - what makes our home so special? The children cam p with some very sweet responses to this - ask your child why their home is so special to them!
Art - this week we painted dragons!! All good fun - take a look at the pictures at the bottom of the blog.
We are very proud of all the children, but these are pupils we are celebrating in particular this week…
Golden Award - Elsie for painting a super dragon based on our Fred the Dragon story - fantastic!
Writing Award - Macie for super spelling work in RWI lessons using our ‘special friends’
Maths Award - James for fabulous work on ordering numbers this week.
Please make sure you have made an appointment for a virtual Parent/Teacher meeting on FRIDAY 22nd OCTOBER - it is really important for me to speak with each of you to discuss how your child has settled into Year 1, the progress they have made so far and how you can support their learning at home. These meetings are just 10 minutes long and you can book your through the link you were sent by email or test through Teachers2Parents. Many thanks.
Teachers continue to wear face masks in shared areas and visors in class
Children are required to wash their hands when they come in school and when they return after play - as well as before lunch.
Children in Year 1 have their own bag of pencils and materials to minimise the amount of sharing of equipment.
Books are still being put aside for 72 hours. before been given to another child if they have gone home.
Please can you ensure that you do not send your child to school if they are showing ANY symptoms of Covid 19 or are UNWELL IN ANY WAY. Please take them for a test if they have Covid symptoms or do a lateral flow at home- we all have to continue to do our bit to keep everyone safe and keep the children in school. Many thanks for your support with this matter.
If you child has a bad cough/cold please consider whether or not they should be in school - there are a number of Year 1 children in class at the moment with very bad coughs - it very draining for a Year 1 child if they are coughing all day and trying to do their work and concentrate too.
If your child is isolating from school due to Covid 19 and they are well enough to work, you can find their work on the HOME LEARNING page of the Year 1 section of the website. I have using Oak Academy units as they all contain a little video and a task for the children to complete that does not require you to print anything - your child just needs a piece of paper and a pencil!! And maybe some colours for the art activities!
Please DO NOT send the work into school with your child on their return, but send photos of it through Class Dojo and add work to your child’s profile. You will each get an invite to this through the email you gave to school when your child was in Reception.
If your child is off school, please inform the office and NOT the Year 1 email or Class Dojo. Many thanks
And finally……any questions or queries either catch me or Mrs Veasey at the gate or email using
Things to note…
Children should have their water bottles each day
PE is Monday and Friday
Earrings cannot be worn for PE
Earrings should only be small, plain, gold or sliver studs
Children should have long hair tied back for school
School bags should just be the red book bags you were given in Reception
Please keep reading folders in the children’s school bags so that they have them on the right day - many thanks.
Thank-you for your supportive messages regarding the letter sent out by Miss Haggerty during the week with relation to ‘Squid Games’ and the impact it is having in school. If you need any help setting Parental Controls on any devices, please just ask in school as we can help with those settings so you have peace of mind that your child is safe whilst using a tablet, laptop or phone. Unfortunately unsuitable content can find it’s way to our young people - we have to be vigilant. If you haven’t seen Miss Haggery’s letter, I have added it here. Miss Haggerty’s Letter
This is a message from Mrs Holden and about a Blackpool Sports Holiday club that you may be interested in….
Active Blackpool are providing sport and physical activity sessions for children and young people who have mild to moderate additional needs within the local community. The Active Lives team will be running school holiday camps and a weekend club. Both provisions are free to children and young people aged 5 – 18 year olds who have mild to moderate additional needs. Both will take place at Blackpool Sports Centre. Booking must be made prior and a consent form should be completed before the participant can attend.
Inclusion Camp Poster Activity Weekend Parent Consent Form
Have a lovely weekend…..Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey
Take a look at some photographs of our week…….