We have had another great week in Year 1 - I am so proud of the start that the children have all made to this term. They are adapting to our new way of working extremely well, they are settled and happy and Mrs Veasey, Miss Collins and I are so proud of them.

All of the children have worked hard, but these are the pupils are are particularly celebrating this week….

Golden Award - Eleena for being a real role model in Year 1 and a friend to all.

Writing Award - Luna for super pre-cursive handwriting and great independent writing today.

Maths - Conleth for great counting and number matching work this week.

READING - Thank-you so much for bearing with us whilst we try to sort out the children’s reading books. With most of the class having been out of school since the end of March this has been a time consuming affair!! Anyway, this week your children will have brought home a reading folder containing a record and one book. This is a ‘basket book’ and is from the level just below what the children will be reading in their Guided Reading session in class. We can only send home ONE BOOK per week and we WILL NOT be sending home the GUIDED READING BOOKS that the children read in class. This is because we have to ‘quarantine’ the books for 72 hours before they can be sent out to another child. As a result, we have to limit the number of books that go home and how often they are changed. Safety of staff, children and their families had to be my number one factor when decided how best to organise this. The day your child brought home their reading record this week, will be the day that their book is changed and the day they will have a Guided Reading session in school, alongside our daily class reading.

Please continue to sign their reading record each day when they read at home; alongside their school reading book please write in other books they have read - their own books and ebooks can all be written in. The children will receive a sticker for each time they have read at home on their reading bookmark and once this is full they will receive a reading certificate. Please ensure your child keeps their book and folder in their bag - then if you are not sure what day their reading day is, your child will have their things. Thank-you for your support with this matter.

This week we have been learning…..

English - we have read Jill Murphy’s Five Minutes Peace and based all our work on this story. We have discussed the characters, looked at the need for capital letters at the start of sentences and for names, we have ordered pictures of the story and today we have written sentences about the picture clue cards. In phonics we have looked at ‘ee’ what can you see and ‘ai’ snail in the rain as our key sounds. We have also continued to work on our pre-cursive letters.

Maths - this week we have looked at matching a digit, word and ten frame all containing the same number, as well as one more and one less. All focus on numbers 0-10.

RE - our focus has been on the Creation Story in our topic of God’s Wonderful World. his week we have made Creation story boards based on what God created on each day.

Science - this week we have investigated our Five Senses and which part of the body we use. The children have also been on a sense walk around school to find out what they could see, hear, touch and smell.

Topic - we made some lovely family trees based on all the people (and a few pets!) in their families. We have also stated to think about why people come to Blackpool and the attractions Blackpool has to offer. Please send in your family photo in a named envelope - many thanks to all those who have already sent those in to school.

  • Work at Home

    I do not set homework for Year 1, but each week I will make a few suggestions for things you could do if you have time. They have worked hard all week and do need a weekend - but reading to and with your child is key, so please just do that! Otherwise you could………

    • Please ensure that your child is reading at home - school reading books, along with anything from home will be great, and ebooks from Oxford Owl. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/

    • Handwriting - if you have time you can practice handwriting - letters MUST start from the line.

    • Phonics work - practice the key sounds on the attached sheets.

    • Common Exception word list - these are the words that Yr1 must be able to read, spell and use independently by the END of the year

    General Information

    • PE days are Monday and Wednesday - PE kits on this days please. NO EARRINGS CAN BE WORN FOR PE- PLEASE REMOVE AT HOME.

    • Please remember to send in your child’s SCHOOL WATER BOTTLE each day

    • RED SCHOOL BOOK BAGS only to be brought be the children. WE have VERY LIMITED storage space for bags.

    • School finishes at 1.15pm every Friday.

    • Please snure you DO NOT send your child to school if they are showing ANY symptoms of COVID 19. We must work together to keep everyone safe. Please see the poster attached to the blog.

And finally…….have a lovely weekend fingers crossed the lovely weather holds out for a few more days! Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey & Mrs Collins.

Phonics Math - Stage 3

Pre-cursive handwriting

Common Exception Word List

Covid -19 Information

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst