We have a full and busy week now that we are all back together. I must start by saying how wonderful all of Year 1 have been this week - there is a lot of change, a lot for them to take in with new rules to follow and they have just taken it in their stride. I have been amazed at how sensible they have been, how considerate of others and patient they have been in light of all the hand washing and social distancing. Along with all that they have all worked so hard too! Simply amazing - I am a very proud teacher - well done Year 1!

We are s o proud of all of the children this week, but these are the children we are particularly celebrating…

Golden award - Ellenie for a super start to Year 1, beautiful manners and showing a positive behaviour for learning. Well done!

Writing Award - Emily for her super independent sentence writing - great work!

Maths - Zachary for his excellent work on Variation - super!

This week we have been learning….

English - we have recapped all our initial sounds so we can match the sound with the letter, we have also recapped all the Phase 3 sounds and will be working on these over the next few weeks, particularly the blends sh, th, qu, ch, ai, ee - see the lits at the bottom of the blog. We have also started work on all our pre-cursive letters, see sheet attached at the bottom and done some independent writing! We have been busy!!

Maths - this week we have worked on Variation. I have told the children you will ask them what this means and they all have to be able to tell you! It is all about showing the same information in a number of different ways - so the same, but different (this is what the children will say!) We have looked at showing a number as a digit, a word, a picture and a number of counters on a ten frame.

RE - we have talked a lot about Mary, as it was Our Lady’s birthday on 8th September. We made her a birthday card and watched a Mass recorded by Fr Jim.

Science - we are learning all about Animals, including Humans this half term so we started by naming and labeling the parts of our body this week.

History - we are learning about our family and our local History this half term - so a focus on Blackpool and the area area our school. PLEASE COULD I ASK YOU ALL TO SEND IN A PHOTOGRAPH OF YOUR FAMILY - PARENTS AND CHILD IS GREAT. PLEASE PLACE IT IN A NAMED ENVELOPE AND NAME THE BACK OF THE PHOTO - MANY THANKS.

Further Information…..

  • PE is on Monday and Wednesday - please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit and their jumper is clearly named. It gets hot in our classroom, they do need to take them off. Please ensure your child can take off and put on their own jumper.

  • Please can all children start to bring their RED SCHOOL BOOK BAG from Monday - we do not have storage room for anything other than the school bags they were given in Reception - but they do need a bag for letters and reading things

  • Mrs Veasey and I will start to send home Basket Books from next week. Their Guided Reading books will have to stay in school, as we do not have enough books to quarantine these in between coming home. The children will choose a book, from a very limited selection I am afraid, and bring home just one book a week. These will be changed weekly - day to be arranged. These books will be from the basket of books a level below their Guided Reading book to ensure they can read it with struggling at home. We want to encourage reading as a pleasurable activity - it isn’t if you have to sound out every single word. The children will all have a Guided Reading session in school once a week and will read in class daily in our English Lessons. Please sign their reading record to say that they have read at home and please continue to use the https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/ for home reading, alone with your own books. Write in their reading record with any reading you do at home - many thanks - this is a tricky thing to organise and get right so many thanks for your patience.

  • Please ensure your child brings their SCHOOL WATER BOTTLE with them each morning - many thanks.

  • Earrings cannot be wore for PE so must be removed at home.

Work at Home

I do not set homework for Year 1, but each week I will make a few suggestions for things you could do if you have time. They have worked hard all week and do need a weekend - but reading to and with your child is key, so please just do that! Otherwise you could………

  • Please ensure that your child is reading at home - I know I have not sent them a book yet, but anything from home will be great, along with books form Oxford Owl.

  • Handwriting - if you have time you can practice handwriting - letters MUST start from the line.

  • Phonics work - practice the key sounds on the attached sheets.

And finally…..have a lovely weekend and I hope you enjoy a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 team.

Phase 3 Phonics

Pre-cursive Handwriting Sheet

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst