Good morning Year 1 - hope you have had a lovely weekend and have been enjoying the sunshine!

This week, along with our usual plan, I have added a few extras! Parents, please do not feel overwhelmed by the extras I have added, but I thought they would add to the materials that you could use at home.

White Rose Maths Materials - these resources have been added to their website to support parents with home learning. I really like these and would like all Year 1 to use these as the basis for their Maths work for the week. The great thing about these resources is that there is a lesson per day - so you know how much Maths your child should be doing on a daily basis. The little videos are super for the children and they also show you parents the methods and vocabulary that we use in class. There are activities that you can print out if you can, or just do from the screen if that isn’t an option for you. The best thing about this for me, is that the work is targeted at what the children would be doing if they were in school now. I am conscious, as this lock down continues, that I want to be able to provide you with materials that will move the children forward in their learning. I feel that these resources will do that, along with supporting you will knowing what we would be doing if we were in school. The resources are all there - videos, lesson slides, activities - so you should be good to go! Just use the link below and it will take you to the right page!

English - I have also added a Year 1 learning pack from Pie Corbett. This pack is intended to provide two weeks work - again you can print off the resources if you can, or just use from the screen with a note book if not. These resources are Year 1 appropriate and hopefully will also help to move the children forward in their home learning. These resource are going to be added to their website every two weeks - these resources are free, there will be a small charge after that, but I a sure Miss Haggerty will be happy for us to subscribe as the money is going to a very good cause. These are added at the bottom of the screen.

Oddizzi - As well as the website materials, they have also provided a KS1 learning pack which you may find useful. This does reply a little on being about to print reosurces out at home, if you don’t have the option to do this, don’t worry, you may find other arts of the resources helpful.

The weekly plan plan is a lovely one this week, as it is all about animals and grouping them according to if they are mammals, reptiles etc…this will be lovely for Year 1 as that was our first Science topic back in September, so will be good practice for them!

Please share photos of the work the children are doing on Class Dojo in the portfolio section, if you can. I love to see the children and what they are doing! Their portfolios are looking fabulous and are a lovely record of all that you have been doing at home.

THANK-YOU SO MUCH for all the support you have given to me during this time and all the work you are doing at home with your children. This situation is not easy for anyone us - but I feel that we are really working together to make the best of it for the children - a real family effort. I feel very humbled - thank-you.

Please don’t feel that you have to do every single thing I have sent through here - plenty of reading, some daily phonics practice, handwriting and Maths - and then a little project time if you have chance. I really do like the WHITE ROSE MATHS - so please do use that and let me know what you think.

Year 1 - be good, work hard, stay safe and remember that we miss you.

Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey xxx

Oddizzi Work Plan

Pie Corbett Project

Week 4 Plan

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst