As of the end of the day today school is closed for the vast majority of children. PLEASE consider very carefully if you are thinking of sending your child into school. The school day will not be able to run as normal and ALL CHILDREN just like ALL ADULTS are being asked not to mix in groups to help to reduce the spread of the virus. We all must take are social responsibilities very serious during these uncertain times.

During this time I will post a weekly blog with items of tasks that the children can work on at home. We are suggesting each child works at home for at least 2 hours a day. Please use the learning pack and the ideas also sent within it. The children should be reading EVERY DAY during this time and be read to by an adult too. Reading is the key to all learning.

If you need to contact me during this time (as I will not be in school each day to protect myself again this virus) I can be contacted on the email address below. PLEASE NOTE TEACHERS ARE ONLY BEING ASKED TO REPLY TO EMAILS ONCE AND WEEK AND DURING THE SCHOOL DAY OF 8.45AM-3.30PM.

Mrs Veasey and I are heartbroken at having to say goodbye to Year 1 today - we have no ideas of when our little family will be back together again. Please read the letter attached carefully - it will provide you with suitable websites and further ideas of things you can access whilst at home. The safest place for us all be be at the moment is at home within the safety of our own families.

Year 1 - stay safe, be good and do some work!

God Bless you all - we will be keeping you in our prayers.

Mrs Hollinghurst and Mrs Veasey xxx


AuthorEmily Hollinghurst