I have been touched this week by how kind Year 1 are and how they can help one another. It is a beautiful thing and I am so proud of them. What a lovely way to start!
Maths Award - Mia for super grouping work and being able to explain why she had grouped her objects the way she had.
No other awards this week as we do not have an assembly this week due to photographs on Friday.
This week we have been learning….
English - this week we have started our RWI programme (Read Write Inc). The children have been split up into four groups, being lead by Mrs Veasey, Mrs Debowska, Mrs Bowdell and me. The children have been grouped to enable small classes to ensure the very best delivery of phonics appropriate to the ability of each child. The children have all made a super start to their work - well done.
Maths - this week we have been looking at counting and ordering number up to 10 and learning how to write the digits as words. this continues our ‘same but different’ theme and add another way to how we can represent a number.
RE - we have continued with our theme of Creation, this week looking at the story of Adam and Eve and how they were given the task of caring for God’s wonderful world - this is a question we have asked ourselves this week. How can we care for God’s world?
Science - we have been learning abut the characteristics of mammals and birds and how we can prove that a robin is a bird and an elephant is a mammal.
Topic - this week we made a timeline of photographs that show how a person changes from birth to being elderly.
PHOTOGRAPHS - been taken tomorrow - FRIDAY - for PE the children can come in their normal school uniform of t-shirt with a collar and their school jumper but still wear their joggers/shorts and come in their trainers. Or just their PE hoodie - your choice at it is your photograph! Just as long as they have their trainers on and shorts/joggers I don’t mind.
Please send in any outstanding data forms/photo permission letters asap, along with any family pictures for our family tree board - thank-you.
PLEASE CAN YOU ENSURE ALL YOUR CHILD’S UNIFORM IS NAMED - WE STILL HAVE A FEW JUMPERS WITH NO NAMES. Also if your child wears trainers for PE that have laces - they MUST be able to tie them themselves. Thank-you for your help with these matters.
Have a lovely weekend…..Mrs Hollinghurst and the Year 1 Team