This week we have been thinking about how we can be wise. Being wise is much more than being ’clever’, it is about making the right choices and not being influenced by others who may be making the wrong choices. This is whole school focus and has formed part of our morning prayers each day. Ask your child if they are being wise today!

All the children have worked hard, but these are the children we have chosen to celebrate this week….

Golden Award - Rose for a super start to Year 1 and working very hard despite having a broken arm!

Writing Award - Zahra for lovely pre-cursive handwriting

Maths Award - Tommy for super variation work

This week we have been learning….

English - this week we have focused on our pre-cursive handwriting and common exception words for Year 1. We have been looking at spelling these words correctly and writing them using our pre-cursive handwriting. The word list cam home in your information pack and are the words that the children need to know how to read and spell by the end of Year 1. Please work on these words at home when you have the chance.

Maths - this week we have been grouping…..counters, coins, teddy bears….anything we can find! We have been looking for what is the same and different about a group of objects and how we can group them. We have grouped objects by colour, size, shape….anything that the objects have in common. Ask your child to find something the same and something different about a group of objects.

RE - we are learning all about the Creation story and how God created the whole world in six days and then rested on the seventh. This week we have looked at the order of creation.

Science - we learnt about our body and named the different parts. We then looked at grouping animals according to their similarities.  We are learning the terms, fish, birds, mammals, retiles, amphibians and insects.

Topic - we have discussed the was in in which we have changed since we were babies and the things that we can now do by ourselves.


26.9.10 - European Languages Day - Year 1 will be studying Italy. We are asking children to come dressed in the colours of the flag that day - so red, white and green please! As fancy or simple as you like!

31.10.19 - Maths Day. Please can the children come dressed in a number theme - again as fancy or simple as you like! A t-shirt with numbers written on or shapes or come as a famous mathematician! Have fun with the theme.

Please send back the forms in the information pack as soon as you can - by 30.9.19. Thank-you

Please could you send in a picture of your family for our topic board - thank-you to those parents who have already done this.

And finally…..thank-you for your support with leaving the children at the class gate and allowing them to walk into class by themselves. I realise this is a big step for some, but it really helps to support their independence.

Have a lovely weekend….Mrs Hollinghurst & Mrs Veasey

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst