• Work at Home

    I do not set homework for Year 1, but each week I will make a few suggestions for things you could do if you have time. They have worked hard all week and do need a weekend - but reading to and with your child is key, so please just do that! Otherwise you could………

    • Please ensure that your child is reading at home - school reading books, along with anything from home will be great, and ebooks from Oxford Owl. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/

    • We expect children to read a minimum of three times a week to an adult at home.

    • Handwriting - if you have time you can practice handwriting - letters MUST start from the line.

    • Phonics work - practice the key sounds on the attached sheets.

    • Common Exception word list - these are the words that Yr1 must be able to read, spell and use independently by the END of the year.

    • 9.10.20 - check out the Autumn Photo Task set on Class Dojo https://teach.classdojo.com/#/classes/5f68e7ba0f1a2370fb721abe/story

    • 15.10.20 EDUCATION CITY TASK - each child has brought home an individual login in , stuck inside their reading record, for this site. https://www.educationcity.com/

    • Simply login, then select Homework where you will find a Phonics file. Within that file there are two activities based on the Year 1 Common Exception words - words that Year 1 must be able to read and spell by the end of the year. Have a go at the activities over the next week.

    Mrs Hollinghurst, Mrs Veasey and Mrs Collins

    Common Exception Words


    Phase 3 phonics

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst