If your child is self isolating this week, here is their work for the week ahead….

Maths - This week we will continue with our work on the Part Part Whole model - a diagram to help the children see how a number(the whole) can be broken up into two separate groups (the parts). The work this week also introduces the addition sign in a way that shows the children that addition can be done in any order. We will also move on to talk about Number Bonds to 10 and basic addition. We also use a ten frame for this work - the children know what these are - just a grid with 5 squares along the top and 5 along the bottom.

If you could make a part part whole diagram at home to support the children’s learning, that would be great. Just drawn on a piece of paper and buttons will do as counters, or pieces of pasta! The videos will support the children’s learning.

This is a continuation of our work from last week - so those of you who were self-isolating last week, it is plenty more practice on this topic. The videos to support the work are all on the same link - so just follow the link below.


Maths - Monday

Maths - Tuesday

Maths Wednesday

Maths - Thursday

Maths - Friday

For English, I have added an online unit based on listening to a story and writing about it - I have added this site because it has videos of the story and clear instructions as to what to do. Thought it would be straightforward for you all. Please follow the link below and then click on the HONEY AND TROUBLE: CHARACTER box (it is around the middle of the page) - this will take you to a ten lesson plan - this will see you through two weeks of home learning. Enjoy!! This unit has a focus on adjectives and character description.


Please take a look at Education City - password in the front of the children’s reading records - I will ensure that your child has work that they can access on this site.


Also, use homework page on class blog for Phase 3 phonics, handwriting and Oxford Owl site.  http://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework

Phonics Focus for this week - ‘ea’ cup of tea and ‘er’ a better letter. BBC Bitesize is super for Phonics support and KS1 activities in general. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p

Please DO NOT bring in the children’s work to school - but do post pictures into the PORTFOLIO section of Class Dojo.

Try to do three hours of school work - 30 minutes of Phonics and Reading, 45 minutes of English and handwriting practice, 45 minutes of Maths including Mental Maths (we are working on doubling and halving within 10, adding one more or one less to a number under 30 in class) and an hour of Topic based work in the afternoon. Just try your best - that is all I ask - I know it is very hard when you are working at home too.

The handwriting format, the common exception words for Year 1 and the Phase Three phonics chart are on the Homework page of this site. Please see the following page. https://www.ourladyassumption-sch.co.uk/yr1-homework/2020/11/13/autumn-term-expectations

Monday - RE we are looking at Mary’s visit to see her cousin Elizabeth with the news that she as going to have a baby, to be meet with the news that Elizabeth too was with child. Power Point Activity

Tuesday - we are continuing in the afternoon with our Science topic all about Animals - today we will work in partners see what animals need to survive and how we can look after our pets at home. Activity 1 Activity 2 Power Point https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zx38wmn

Wednesday - we will continue with our work on what lives in the North sea. Last week we made a poster to show what lives in the sea, this week we will use all that information to write a explanation of what live is like under the North Sea. This video is AMAZING for showing the children what lives in the North Sea! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94whXVtZAQg Once you have made a list of what lives there, try writing it into sentences about the North Sea and what you know lives there. Activity

Thursday - we will be working to create our winter display in class. We are going to paint a tree using our hand as the tree and then painting snowflakes around it. Use the picture as an example and have a go at home if you can. If your child misses out on doing this in class this week, they will get chance to do it when they return, so don’t worry!


Friday - no afternoon activity as we finish school at 1.15pm!

PLEASE POST PHOTOGRAPHS OF YOUR CHILD’S WORK INTO THE PORTFOLIO SECTION OF CLASS DOJO. Any problems, just let me know through email or Class Dojo. Many thanks and have a great week working at home….Mrs Hollinghurst

AuthorEmily Hollinghurst