This week the theme in our classroom was pirates. The children have absolutely adored this theme and they have really enjoyed getting into character!

I am so pleased with how well the children are settling into school. They are all wonderful and I am so looking forward to all that the following year will bring.

Our learning this week

Phonics - over the past two weeks we have learnt four sounds: m - Maisie, mountain, mountain, a - round the apple down the leaf, s - slide around the snake and d - round the dinosaurs bottom, up his tall neck, down to his feet.

Maths - we have been learning to subitise (knowing how many objects there are without counting them). This can be tricky but the children are giving it a great go and have been putting this skill to the test in our Maths area too.

RE - we have spoken about Creation through the story of Adam and Eve.

Understanding the world - we have looked at our baby photos and discussed the stages we go through from being a newborn to being a child. We also spoke about how we are different now to when we were babies.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have done some beautiful artwork over the past couple of weeks. From self portraits to family portraits!

Aside from all of the above, we have spent a lot of time establishing the routines, rules and expectations of our classroom.

Our theme this coming week is Superheroes.

Award winners

Golden - Maddox. For being such a loving and compassionate member of our class.

Maths - Adam. For excellent work on number formations.

Writing - Hannah. For working very hard on her letter formations.

Parent Meetings

You will have received notification about Parent/Teacher meetings on MONDAY 14th OCTOBER - please make sure you follow the link to make an appointment. This is an important meeting to discuss how your child has settled into school. I look forward to seeing you all on this date. Thank-you.

Early reading and Phonics

Please join us if you can on MONDAY 7th OCTOBER at 2-3pm in the school hall where Mrs Hollinghurst and I will be going through what we do in school and the importance of early phonics. We will discuss the elements of our lessons, how you can help your child at home and why phonics is so important to your child’s early reading and writing.

Online safety

Keeping children and young people safe online is one of the biggest challenges facing society today and it is all of our responsibility to ensure that children are educated to make positive, informed choices when they are online.

This month’s online safety guide gives helpful advice about…

What Parents & Educators Need to Know about Instagram  This free guide tells you all you need to know about the social media platform Instagram, breaking down its associated risks and how best to mitigate them.

We hope you find these guides informative and helpful in promoting the positive use of technology to make the online world a better and safer place for us all. Thank you.

Catholic life of our school

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

Important dates

You will have received an email from the office regarding important dates for this half term. Please add these to your diaries.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Miss Simons and Miss Sanderson

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac