This week the theme in our classroom was Superheroes. Just like last week, the children loved dressing up in superhero outfits and saving the world! We did also read a lot of lovely books about how we can all be heroes in our own way - for example, by going out of our way to help our friends when they need us.

We have be done some wonderful learning this week - the children are showing me every day that they are become amazing learners.

Our learning this week

Phonics - this week we have learnt three sounds: t - down the tower, across the tower, i - down the insects body, for for his head and n - down nobby, over his net. Please practice these sounds in the little green books.

Maths - we have been helping Stanley the puppet this week with his counting skills.

RE - we have carried on talking about creation, and made the link that because God made Adam & Eve, he made us too.

Understanding the world - we have spoken about the different parts of our body this week. We also played Simon says.

Expressive Art & Design - the children have painted pumpkins this week.

P.E. - we are practicing our fundamental movement skills.

PSHE - we have spoken about what it looks like to be on the rainbow - as that’s where we all want to be each day. When we are on the rainbow we are making the right choice and we are happy.

Aside from all of the above, we have continued establishing the routines, rules and expectations of our classroom. We have also started dough disco each morning which will help to strengthen the children’s fine motor skills.

Our theme this coming week is Harvest.

Award winners

Golden - Leo. For being a fabulous little learner.

Maths - Cody. For always having a go!

Writing - Rosie. For working hard on her letter formations.

Parent Meetings

You will have received notification about Parent/Teacher meetings on MONDAY 14th OCTOBER - please make sure you follow the link to make an appointment. This is an important meeting to discuss how your child has settled into school. I look forward to seeing you all on this date. Thank-you.

Harvest collection

This year we are collecting tinned food for the local charity Street Life. We are asking each child to bring in one tin for our collection. Please donate, if you can, for this very worthy cause. The children can bring their tins into class, where we have a donation box. Many thanks to those who have donated already.

Catholic life of our school

We are delighted to be able to share with you the Good News Gospel readings for families. Please follow the link to share the Gospel at home with your family. These are really child-friendly resources to share at home.

Please take a look at these Ten Ten resources to support prayer and worship at home.

Important dates

You will have received an email from the office regarding important dates for this half term. Please add these to your diaries. A reminder that we have our reception welcome assembly this Friday the 11th at 9.15am.

Miss Heim-Sarac, Miss Simons and Miss Sanderson

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac