This week we have welcomed two new members into Reception - Nemo and Dory, our class fish! The children were so excited to meet them and to start caring for them. The children are responsible for feeding them twice a day and they will also help us to clean out the fish tank when needed! I know that having class pets will help the children to learn how to care for something else and just how important it is to be responsible and loving.

Each week the children will now also have the opportunity to bring home Barnaby the Bear. Barnaby is our class bear and he is very excited to spend the weekend with the children and their families. He will come home with a book for you to record your adventures for us all to read about on Monday (feel free to stick pictures in the book if you like!). He will also come home with a sachet of hot chocolate so that he can snuggle up with the children and listen to a story while your child has a yummy cup of hot chocolate!

Look at what we have been learning this week:

Phonics - the children have learnt the ‘t’ sound this week - down the tower, across the tower. We are not yet at the stage where the children can read however please practice these sounds with your children at home (recognising and writing them). After half term we will be aiming to learn a new sound every day.

Maths - we have focused on counting to 10 this week.

PSHE - we have thought about God’s world and how we can care for it.

Art - the children have been creating Art work based on the letters and numbers we have learnt so far.

R.E. - we used an inflatable globe to talk about all the wonderful things God made. We spoke about the things that can spoil the world such as littering and pollution.

P.E. - we have focused on learning to hop.

Award winners

Each week during our school celebration assembly I will be handing out three certificates - Maths, Writing and a Golden award. Here are our winners for this week:

Maths - Philip

Writing - Mabel

Golden - Hallie


  • Our P.E. days are Monday and Wednesday.

  • I still have a small number of parents who have not yet activated their Tapestry accounts. Please follow the activation link in the e-mail that has been sent out to you.

  • A reminder to please ensure that all jumpers and cardigans are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

  • We will be having a welcome assembly for the Reception children on the 11th October at 2.30pm. We would love it if you could attend!

  • Please ensure your child’s water bottle is returned to school each day.

  • On the 21st October we will be holding a Parent’s Day - a chance for you to meet with me for us to discuss your child’s progress. More details to follow!

  • There will be an Own Clothes Day on the 20th October (the last day of term). In exchange we are asking the children to bring in £1 towards PTA funds. Thank you for your support.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Heim-Sarac, Mrs Debowska and Miss Murray

AuthorCandice Heim-Sarac