We are so grateful that Our Lady of the Assumption school family is back together and we give thanks that God is holding us all in his hands!

This has been another week of amazing learning and of embedding our ‘new normal’ of our super hygiene regimes to ensure we always have Healthy Hands not Horrid Hands!!! The children are really taking this on board and are trying to ensure that, even in their own class bubble, they are trying not to touch anyone else’s equipment with their nice clean hands and, most importantly, (and this is the hard one for our younger children) trying not to touch each other - especially each other’s faces!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, can you try to keep reminding your children that doing this will only spread those nasty germs from others - to us!

Further COVID guidance below…..



Over the past 72 hours we have heard of further changes and restrictions being enforced in our locality, meaning we will have to be extra vigilant that we try our best to ensure that we continue to keep ourselves and our community safe.

Blackpool’s director of public health has urged Blackpool’s residents and businesses to stick by the rules – or risk the introduction of the same lockdown restrictions imposed on the rest of Lancashire. Dr Arif Rajpura strongly advised the public to comply with the COVID guidelines, such as wearing face coverings, social distancing and the newly-introduced 'rule of six' – or face the consequences. 

Dr Rajpura said yesterday:

“I have said repeatedly that this virus has not gone away and there is absolutely no room for complacency here or anywhere else. 

“The special measures that have been announced by the government across large swathes of the north of England over the past 48 hours illustrate that nowhere is immune to this sort of intervention. 

“It is absolutely critical that residents and businesses adhere to the new 'rule of six' restrictions and follow all COVID guidelines around social distancing and wearing of face coverings. 

“The same advice goes to all those in our resort. The only way to stop the spread of the virus is to respect the rules which are there for a reason.  

“We have already seen a slight increase in positive cases in Blackpool over the past couple of weeks and it is essential that we halt this trend if we are to avoid the sort of restrictions being imposed in other areas.” 

Again, a huge thank you to parents and families who are really trying to adhere to the guidance and really considering when your child is unwell and may pass germs on to others. In school we are ensuring that children and staff from different class bubbles are not mixing in order for us to minimise risk. Please be cautious of your children mixing outside of school with those in other classes/year groups as this may mean that, in the case of any positive cases of COVID, we may have to shut more than one class/year group meaning that all contact households would need to isolate for 14 days.

Please click on poster below which may answer some of your questions about when to/not to send your child to school:

Leadership in action

Next week our Year 6 children are applying for their roles of responsibility; some are currently making a video to present to everyone in school to state why they feel they should be a leader this year. We know this year will be very different and all roles will have a large virtual aspect but we know these children will rise to the challenge and make us all incredibly proud. We look forward to appointing these special roles to the children over the next couple of weeks.


We look forward to another exciting week….

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