Yesterday was the feast of St Therese of Avila and I participated in a lovely liturgy with Bishop Paul who reflected on the Gospel of the day; reminding us that Christ longs to walk with us throughout our lives - if we would only let Him!

And now these three remain- faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.1 Corinthians 13-12.png

As we reach the end of our seventh week together we can reflect on how we have all challenged ourselves to use Christ as our model and to treat others as we would want to be treated. This isn’t always easy but the joy it gives to others is often immeasurable. Next week the children will be focused upon the greatest commandment - to love God and to love one another.

I have set the children a challenge in their last week before the half term to try to show their love for God and each others by being ‘responsible’ with not only the things they use, but with the people they meet each day! Knowing our amazing children, I am positive they will not only reach this challenge - but exceed my expectations! They never cease to make me feel both proud and humbled in equal measure.

I am also so proud of our youngest children in Reception who have made so much progress this half term. It is amazing to see them coming in each day so independently and now to see some of the wonderful work they have been undertaking and their confidence in every day classroom life. They have settled in to school routines amazing well and continue to shine each day! At the other end of the school, our Year 6 children also continue to amaze with their growing independence and maturity, and reading some of their writing this week makes me realise just what is possible! It really is so good to be back at school!  

We have so much to be thankful for and even in these dark times, surrounded by uncertainty we have to remember that we are indeed blessed. Every day I see children bouncing into school ready for the day ahead and I realise that school is a safe place for them, where they can learn alongside their friends. Thank you for helping with this and continuing to implement our guidelines. It would be so easy at this point to begin to slip and do what feels easier but as I keep reminding everyone, we have a duty to protect each other and to always think about the ‘greater good.’ Everyone is trying so hard to keep each other safe and your well-being matters greatly to us. We hope and pray each day that God will protect each and every member of our school community and all their loved ones.

Next week we will be sending out a midterm report which will provide you with a snapshot of where your child is at. We hope you will enjoy reading them with your child, celebrating successes and planning how you are going to meet those targets together.

Enjoy a lovely weekend; I believe the sun may be shining, fingers crossed!

God bless

Miss Haggerty

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