“Lord, help me to have faith in Your perfect plan for my life.  Help me to know that You are in control when life seems out of control.  In those moments, may the faith I manifest be a gift to You so that You can use it for Your glory.  Jesus, I trust in You.”

Above is a prayer reflecting on today’s Gospel - and how appropriate it is! We should always keep our faith, hope and trust in the Risen Christ and the plan He has for us, especially when things are particularly difficult. As Father Jim said in today’s mass (on website) God asks us to do what little we can with what we have and He will do the rest!

I can hardly believe we have entered another month of lockdown, in fact I do not know where the days are disappearing to; and yet, disappearing they are. Today I have been looking at some of the amazing work our children have been undertaking at home and I, like the teachers, are so incredibly proud of you all! I can hardly believe how much you have all been up to - and the standard of what you have produced is really wonderful to see!

Our thanks and praise has to go out to parents and families who are supporting your children so well during these restricted times, probably juggling your own work with helping your children. You are all doing a fantastic job. However, teachers are always worried when they have not had any contact from families as they just want to ensure that children are on the right track. Teachers also want to try to support parents in any difficulties you may be experiencing perhaps in motivating or encouraging your children to complete tasks, or how to simplify instructions etc; Please, please try to maintain contact with your child’s class teacher - even if it is simply to let us know you are ok! This will save us turning up on your doorstep if we haven’t heard from you!!!!!! We are still here to help - so please do let us know.


I also would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of Our Lady’s staff who are working so hard to ensure that children have work and activities which will (hopefully) inspire and motivate them to keep learning during this difficult time. As I mentioned before… it is due to the fact that staff care about your children and yourselves so much, that they are desperate to hear from you and try to help and support in any way they can.

I hope that when you clap for carers on a Thursday evening - you also remember your teachers too & give them and extra big clap too for all their time and efforts.


Corona Kindness

A Corona Kindness support service has been set up by Blackpool Council. It offers help with:

-          sourcing/delivery of groceries

-          loneliness and isolation

-          medical supplies

-          dog walking.

If you or anyone you know is in need of help please email helpneeded@blackpool.gov.uk or call Freephone 0808 196 3080. If you can offer help at all please email helpoffered@blackpool.gov.uk visit www.blackpool.gov.uk/CoronaKindess for more info or follow the council’s social media channels. Download Poster HERE

Prayers for the coming week

Attached are some prayers for the week ahead. They are based on the Gospel from this weekend which is the story of The Road to Emmaus where Jesus is only recognised at the breaking of bread. (A great gospel to remind our First Communion Group that Jesus is truly present when we share the Eucharist together.)

Wednesday Word

Many of you may be missing the ‘Wednesday Word’ leaflets which your child usually brings home with them on a Wednesday. These help us to begin to understand the Gospel theme for the coming weekend and give us a ‘word’ by which we can remember the theme of the Gospel.

This week’s word is “FOLLOW”. I wonder if any of you can guess what the Gospel might be this week?

Click HERE to view the Wednesday Word leaflet for this week.

And finally…

A little video which I was sent which reminds us about our wonderful world…


Have a safe and lovely week.

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