I hope you all managed to reflect upon and enjoy (as much as you could) the beauty that the Easter Season brings. Albeit difficult for us all at this time, the message that Christ’s Ressurection shows us all is that Jesus is the solace, comfort and real joy that we should all be in search of at this time.

I do not know if any of you managed to see/hear Pope Francis’ Easter Message and Blessing. I always find the Pope’s words very relevant, and comforting. At the Easter Vigil, the Pope spoke about the women who ran to the tomb to find Jesus…

Those women, in the end, “took hold” of Jesus’ feet (Mt 28:9); feet that had travelled so far to meet us, to the point of entering and emerging from the tomb.  The women embraced the feet that had trampled death and opened the way of hope.  Today, as pilgrims in search of hope, we cling to you, Risen Jesus.  We turn our backs on death and open our hearts to you, for you are Life itself.”


I hope you are also managing to see Fr Jim’s masses and keep up to date with our parish news and prayer intentions. Remember the link to the church website is on our home page (on the left). There are some wonderful resources there for the children too and it has been wonderful to see many of the children still remembering to.. “Ask Fr Jim” their questions during this special time of year.

I also attach some further prayers for families from ‘TenTen’ resources which we use daily in school. Try to use them to allow your family some short times to pray together. The children are used to the format - so could easily lead the family in these prayers.


Online Safety for home learning.

We want to ensure that while you are undertaking all your learning at home that everyone pays the same consideration to internet and online safety and particularly our use of social media. We should always try to make sure this is used safely and responsibly so that we can ensure the security, happiness and wellbeing of everyone.

The local authorities have produced a helpful leaflet for families to review use of social media and the hazards we can face from this. Click HERE for this resource.

Mrs McVey always gives the latest guidance from the ThinkUknow website which is an excellent resource for parents and families. Look at Y5 page or Parents section of website for further resources.

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