I hope you are all managing well and staying safe & healthy through this unprecedented, and, very surreal time.

Our huge thanks go out to everyone who has either been, or is currently on the frontline, caring for and treating those who are ill, to all those offering support and giving of their time so freely and generously to help others and also those of you who are isolated at home. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Easter Closure

Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School will be closed as planned from Monday 6th April up to and including Monday 13th April.

As you are aware this will be Holy Week.

We are putting weekly prayers onto our school website and are also in the process of attaching a Sunday Liturgy so that families can continue to share the message of the Gospel during this time. Please also click onto the Church button which links to our Parish website. Fr Jim has been busy recording masses, prayers and blessings which you can share together.

Also, Fr Jim is still eager for you to continue to ask him any questions you may have about Holy Week/Easter. Even if we cannot write them in our ‘Ask Fr Jim’ book - Father would love if you emailed him (through the church website) with your first name and year group. He will then try to post an answer to your question!

Your class teachers will also try to post a little Easter Activity for you during this very important week!


Emergency Childcare

Even where there are two key workers in the home, where possible it must be emphasised that every avenue of childcare should be explored before making the decision to send children into school.  This is in line with Government advice.  For some critical workers children will only require certain days at school as they will not be working every day or alternative childcare may be available to them on other days.

Anything we can do to keep the group of children as low as possible is essential. 

We are however trying to ascertain if any key workers will need emergency care following Easter when school re-opens for emergency care ONLY from 14th April.

If you know this is something which is essential then please email school (admin@our-lady.blackpool.sch.uk) asking for a form which will be emailed for you to complete and return with any dates you may need urgent care.

Can you please do this by Wednesday 1st April.

Please take care of yourselves and your loved ones during this difficult time. Remember to follow government advice carefully to keep yourselves and others safe.

If anyone does need any further support or advice we will always do what we can to help - you can contact us during school hours in the usual way.

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