We have just heard the latest announcement from the Government tonight that…”You must stay at home”

The message is stark but clear. We now have to ensure that we are keeping our families at home at all costs to ensure the NHS is not overwhelmed during this pandemic.

Whilst Our Lady’s wants to try to do all it can to help families at this time - we need to follow Government instructions and keep everyone safe. While numbers of children increase at school we cannot do this. It is increasingly difficult to ensure that children remain socially distanced throughout the day. So the message must be, that if you are able to keep your children at home, then DO SO.


Wellbeing advice for families

Keeping you and your child’s physical and mental health well, over the next coming weeks & months is so important to help manage the COVID-19 virus. During these times of stress and anxiety we must all do what we can to try to keep ourselves healthy in mind and body so that we can try to be strong during these difficult days and weeks ahead.

If any families are concerned over where to turn for help, there is a handy guide with some useful contact numbers you may wish to use for support if needed. Click HERE to download.

We have also had a lovely message from Mrs Ward - our yoga and mindfulness teacher. She sends everyone her love and hopes that you can try to practice some of amazing yoga poses and mindful breathing at home!


Prayer Resource for families

In this unprecedented time of church and school closures, a resource which we use in school for some of our collective worship (Ten Ten) is offering all families the opportunity to access prayer resources for the home. The children will be used to the format of these prayers which link directly to the Sunday Gospel - which for this week was the story of Jesus’ healing of the Blind Man.

The prayers take the form of powerpoints which have a reflection and a prayer for each day.

Pope Francis prays for the world

In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said he will give an extraordinary blessing “urbi et orbi” (to the city and the world) at 6 p.m. Rome time March 27.

The formal blessing — usually given only immediately after a new pope’s election and on Christmas and Easter — carries with it a plenary indulgence for all who follow by television, internet or radio. In addition to announcing the special blessing, Pope Francis said that at a time “when humanity trembles” because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was asking Christians of every denomination to join together at noon March 25 to recite the Lord’s Prayer. The Catholic Church and many others mark March 25 as the feast of the Annunciation.

“To the pandemic of the virus we want to respond with the universality of prayer, compassion and tenderness,” he said. “Let’s stay united. Let us make those who are alone and tested feel our closeness,” as well as doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers and volunteers.

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